GPU load : 99%
GPU load : 99%
GPU load : 99%
Sensor 0: Temperature - 84.50 C
Sensor 0: Temperature - 81.00 C
Sensor 0: Temperature - 73.00 C
GHash/s: 1.23415000000000000000
09/06/2011 21:51:26, 421198 khash/s
09/06/2011 21:51:17, 420180 khash/s
09/06/2011 21:51:25, 392772 khash/s
So... 1.2341Gh/s with 1 Asus Ares 5870x2 card oc-ed to 940Mhz and 1 XFX 5870 OC-ed to 900Mhz. They are running a little warm, but not too crazy. Code below:
for ((;;)); do uptime | sed 's/^ *//'; aticonfig --odgc --adapter=all |grep "GPU" | sed 's/^ *//' | grep '[[:digit:]]*' ; aticonfig --odgt --adapter=all |grep -i Temperature | sed 's/^ *//' |grep " [[:digit:].]* " ; echo -n "GHash/s: " ; echo "( $(tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_1.log |grep hash |tail -1 | awk '{print $3}') + $(tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_2.log |grep hash |tail -1 | awk '{print $3}') + $(tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_3.log |grep hash |tail -1 | awk '{print $3}') )/1000000" | bc -l; tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_1.log |grep hash |tail -1 |grep " [[:digit:]]* " ;tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_2.log |grep hash |tail -1 | grep " [[:digit:]]* " ; tail -n 20 /tmp/bitcoin_3.log |grep hash |tail -1 |grep " [[:digit:]]* "; cat /tmp/bitcoin_*.log |grep checking | sort -nrk 4 | tail -3 |grep " [[:digit:]]* "; grep ".*accepted.*" /tmp/bitcoin_*.log; echo "Blocks: $(~/bitcoin-0.3.21/bin/64/bitcoin getblockcount)" ;echo "Balance: $(~/bitcoin-0.3.21/bin/64/bitcoin getbalance)" ; sleep 60; done
Just have your poclbm processes log to /tmp/bitcoin_[123...].log