For a steady income perhaps the best way is to open your own business. Depending on your skills, it may bring you good results.
and if you want to do online business , I suggest you to choose blogign. only bloging is a way where you can make steady income with your work.
you can monetize your blog with ads(use google adsense). it takes some time. some time it takes 3 to 6 month to build a proper income. but when it start it give you life time profit.
and the work is also not so much hard. in starting you need to work constantly by building blog. getting traffic. implementing SEO. but when you start getting trafic and when you get ads. then you can only write an article a week to keep that active.
That does not work to all mate, blogging requires skills and your passion. Most of the people on earth does not have that, they are afraid to go out of their comfort zone and they tend to world in a safe society though they are just receiving a small amount of income as their salary.
I know that. blogging is not play of kids.. it need high patience and time. and everyone don't have that. but the people who really serious to earn money they will do it for sure. and those are the people wo make their dreams come true,
wasting time in shit things, like faucets, gambling, investing small money in trading won't help(until you don't become a big whale in trading)
Totally agree, you need a special mindset, provided you have good writing skills as well as know the ways how to attract people in the first place. There are a lot of blogs out there that no one seems to be interested in...
Even spammers stay away from them (let alone Google Adsense)
To become a good blogger some skils are indeed. but only articles blogs are not the only bloging. there is thousands of topic people can blog..
everyone should choose their desired skill or niche where he think he can blog. I saw lots of video, photoghrapy, games blogs and they are very successful and earning a lot of money.