Your best bet, find a group of pioneer and experts who study and have a very great knowledge on cryptocurrency( Find those legit one ). Then ask them conduct research on certain coins which currently have ICO, if majority of the experts having true permission and suggest that coin is gonna be success, get into the ride. Then, pay each of them maybe 0.2-0.5% of the total profit you made during the ico, trust me, good coins, raises by multiplying but not % of it.
According to : , i've seen a coin, grown for 1000% which is exactly x10 under 24hour, but, you really need to get some experts to analyze for you.
Good luck!
But i would really suggest that, tell your parents the truth, they raise you, grown you up, teach you, if you gonna lie to them, your life is totally fail sorry to say that, i lied to my parents before, even is a small case, i feel guilty af. Now this is a big case, i thinks that, your parents has the rights to know because you are their children. Do you even hope your kid lied to you telling you that he need money to invest but he done something? Think in their perspective, stand in their shoes.
I hope you will make a wise decision and donate me 1 btc thank you <3 ( Well, im just joking
Just, truthfully hope that you will tell your parents the truth, even you manage to earn back your 300 BTC, they need to know what you are doing, or else why would we call them our parents, our family?
Your new mates