if OP were trustworthy he would have started this thread in securities/investments forum and/or opened an coinsortium.co or similar service.
Prejudicial insinuations? That's a bit un-classy of you. I have never heard of the website you mentioned but I thank you very much
for sharing it with me. I'm not a full on avid bit coin user but I am plenty familiar and have used it for minor transactions.
I also had the sense to advise others to invest in mining rigs back when things were hot. I couldnt afford to do so at the time
As far as moving this thread to securities and investments, I'm still trying to finalize the exact direction I'm going to go with
returning a profit to people. Maybe in stage two if things get off the ground, I can do more fund raising so that I can
exponentially increase the harvesting rate and amount of sub operators.
go to bitlending and put ur identity there and come back here and see if anyone will do it
thats actually not a bad idea, post something similar to this on one of those btc lending sites and you'll probably fare better, after verifying your identity and submitting documentation of course.
Indeed indeed, this is a sound concept. But you must realize what this implies due to the nature of my project if I appear to fail.
I need to be very careful how I operate and do not wish to look forward to misinterpretations of my device becoming
public in a way that incites abuse of this technology with me being associated for no reason. This wont be just an
ordinary cute toy submarine.
Plus, there is the possibility of project delays. Lets say that I am delayed a month and a few people start making scam reports
despite me showing that I have things nearly complete. If I have to cancel my progress due to needless accusations of my
incompetency, the resulting fallout could cause some investors to miss out on higher return potentials.
Granted I won't be starting the project until I have enough pledged to begin, but after initial funding and the returns
are made with my labor, there will be subsequent opportunities for extra returns when I expand my operations into many
other technologically related projects I have in store.
Lastly, who said that all this is worth the trouble of anyone when most people will only be donating very small portions?
The video content alone will be worth donating $5 or $20.