I see that payment is now available every day, but can you fix that bug, or put the timer in a visible place
It did not charge you 2000 Coins this time. If there is a pending payout for you, you are not able to see claim form, instead of that there is a warning box saying that we are already processing your request. Also without referrals is not very usual to make more than 5000 Satoshis in 24 hours period.
I did not say I had a payout every day but that each time I went to see if I could make a payout I was reduced by 1000 coins I did not know she was automatically going to pending withdraw.
Since the beginning of the game I have accumulated 5 000 coins, since at the beginning it was 1 egg /10 coins, so for 1000 coins I need almost a week now.
I mostly thought it was some bug, but now I saw on faucethub that it was a payout every time,