We at bitcoin-analytics.com support local state of the orderbook and update it listening depth messages and fix obvious invalid state of orderbook ( when ask price is less than bid price) using ticker messages.
While fixing with ticker messages helps, it seems that it is not enough. Invalid orderbook state occures because some depth mesages does not get to the client from server. It is not so obvious if only you do not maintain history of the orderbook volume which we do on bitcoin-analytics.com.
What we noticed a repeting pattern like on the screenhot.
It looks like the volume increased steadily during several hours and then abruptly reduced. This happend exact at the moment when orderbook was just reinitialized.
The problem as we see it is the following: during the long period of time some depth messages does not come to client but do not invoke fixing procedure cause those lost messages does not break the validity of the orderbook state. But those lost messages did not remove the orders which they had to remove or change. During the period of time new orders were added to the orderbook. Thus the volume was increased while errors of lost messages were accumulated.
Did anyone noticed something similar. And does anyone has any ideas about this problem? How is it possible to detect those lost messages orders and fix them?
I've been having massive problems keeping order book synced in my client, there just seem to be lost messages. Never got it right.
Last resort: just pull full-depth 5 times per hour (magicaltux allows that frequency) and sync your orderbook