This term is a unclear to, for instance... If I'm betting on football I can on multiple EPL games ? or does it have to be different leagues, tournament or just one football event is allowed in each streak ?
Secondly, can streak extend up to as long as it takes to achieve them ?
Very pertinent question - You are allowed to place multiple bets on the same tournament / day.
However, multiple bets on the same event will only count once (for example betting on the total number of goals, handicaps, and moneyline)
It's not "non-related events", but rather non-related bets. We'll update the topic with this info and examples
Regarding the second question, the streak can take how much time as you need, just need to share up to 48 after the settlement of the last bet (if you don't, you would have to place a "new" last bet that could break your streak)