Is the payment already credited to our accounts? I asked this because I don't see anything in mine, can anyone let me know if they are credited with their earnings as well as Casino Credits bonus?
I don't think it's credited yet
It takes 48-72 hours after the stage is over and we will get our stage bonus in the account itself + You can withdraw from your account anytime after confirming the Withdrawal from your email.
Hope you get what you wanted to hear
My last signature campaign deposit in my BetcoinAG account was 30 days ago...
Also, in BetcoinCasino's most recent post (above), he mentioned an anticipation of deposits processing on Monday, so that would likely mean that our deposits would show up anywhere between 12 and 36 hours from now and then likely be available sometime soon after showing up in our accounts.... No need to panic, yet... hahahaha