I think the "diversification" is an important part for most people's portfolio. Plus, it drops the risk if one of them goes down. If you get just one coin, and that coin goes down for a reason, that's bad, but if you get paid in multiple coins, and one of them goes down, the others are still up. Imagine if this place had Luna, then it would drop a lot, but all others would stay, would you rather get it all on Luna? That would be bad. This is the logic behind these people.
I still say BTC is the best, just get it with that, but I also understand why it's multiple ones. I feel like it is going to be decent this way and it has worked so far, and should probably keep on working for a while longer, at least until bull run.
What we have to keep in mind when we have any strategy, if it's DCA or diversification or anything else is the fact that we need to do it the smart way. Doesn't matter what the strategy is, there are some bad ones for sure, but even the best ever one would be a bad one if you are not careful about it.
This is why it's quite important to make sure that you are doing the right thing. This doesn't change the fact that BFG is a good one and the results are still different coins gotten from the dividends, but you get to decide the afterwards. For example, if you decide to sell all of them and get BFG, that wouldn't be a bad idea at all, or if you decide to keep it, keep it long enough to see prices go up and it's bull time, don't sell right now.