You can't buy their token at the moment.
But you can earn their BFG token when you play on their site using your btc or trx.
So for those regular gamblers, this is actually great. While playing, even if you are losing, you still earn their tokens.
And not only the BFG tokens you will earn here, but these tokens is automatically included in the staking of 4 coins (which has actual value in the market).
So even if you lose your btc or trx coins here, you actually don't lose it at all.
Oh man, you lose them! Here is important how you lose them! You can spend $100 with few bets and lose them all, you will get some amount of BFG, but you will have to wait a long time to earn that amount from dividends! The other way is wagering way, to wager as much as you can, and to earn more BFG tokens! It's risky, to make more tokens you need to have luck and to lose some, than win some to get back on starting amount, and like that all day... you can see the mining price, and how much you need to spend to earn 1 token! When it gets out on the market you will be able to buy them instantly, you don't have to spent hours mining them, not everyone likes to gamble!
Some people like one way, some other way! I think Betfury will satisfy all peoples wishes, we just need to give them time! For now, they are doing a great job in developing and expending their casino! And I am sure they will continue to be awesome!
Wish you luck with tickets!