Please note that the daily winner is drawn at midnight server time, which is UTC+2.
We put the game live last night at 23:10 and when midnight rolled around (so 50 minutes later) all the top scores were held by people we know who helped us test. As such, we skipped last night's payout ... if you think we somehow cheated you, let me know why you think so and I might comp you.
You'll know when a payout happened because you'll see the daily score list reset.
Enjoy. We put a lot of hard work into making this happen, hopefully our players/users will enjoy it.
Your server time shows my local time...says it's 11AM right now which is GMT - 5... Definitely doesn't show UTC +2.
That's why I'm confused. It claims I played when I got home this morning - a time that hadn't even happened yet when I actually played last night. So something screwy is happening either with your server time or your display of server time.
Server time isn't the time that is shown on the site when you place a bet or timestamps as they show on the site. Dates and times for websites are sent as UTC times and converted to your local time by your browser.
The game's FAQ says to look at that box for server time. So that's a mistake either way on their end
Yes it was/is. I didn't think this fully through before implementing this. We're working on a fix. Updates on this issue will follow soon.
Payouts for the 1st day CORE winners have been credited. New date countdown timer will be live soon.