To be honest, I'm afraid the average person might just use what the government officially issues. And whether or not governments would fully do away with bills and coins, the replacement is actually no better. Digital fiat currencies make monitoring of transactions easier on the part of the authorities.
I am seeing the same, we can bet on bitcoin but it doesn't mean that it will replace the fiat system, the benefit on betting on bitcoin is not actually as a payment system but the value of money since according to its movement, by demand the value rises which is not a guarantee for fiat system as they can continuously print money.
But if only the average Joe is concerned even a little bit of his privacy and freedom. If he is at least moderately critical of how the financial system is being ran on the basis of a handful of people's faulty decisions, he might be very grateful Bitcoin is an open option.
I guess there are people who would understand how important bitcoin is and how it is so valuable in the future.
Slowly, the corrupt government practices will be revealed and if we don't see it coming, we will suffer its effect, so as early as now, I guess we should start considering to safeguard our money making bitcoin as the best option.