Ripple is recovering strongly, driven among others, by the rise of Bitcoin
The market is recovering and among this gradual recovery, highlights Ripple, which is rising strongly in the last hours, recovering part of the value lost these days, also driven by the strong rise of Bitcoin
Although many were vultures already launched to attack Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market, for its adjustment repeated every year at this time, today the market is already recovering and everyone will return to the cave. Today, everything is green and rising strongly, we will not see so much genius talking about the end of the bubble or the rancid reference to the 'Bubble Tulip' in the S. XVII in Holland. Among the strongest things that are in this rise, I reached the third market cryptocurrency, Ripple, which goes up a lot.
Ripple at the beginning of the month touched its maximum value, reaching the 3.8 $ valuation, but since then it has been losing value and the news that MoneyGram would start operating under the blockchain of this cryptocurrency, did not serve to take force enough. Yesterday, dragged by the Bitcoin, XRP reached the ground of $ 0.88, falling below $ 1, something that did not seem possible. From that point it has been recovering value, pointing directly to the $ 1.6, with a rise of more than 55%, driven no doubt by the rise of Bitcoin.
This cryptocurrency has its popularity in South Korea, since the operations in the country represent almost 70% of the world market. Bithumb and Upbit, represent curiously 55% of the global quota and in South Korea, due to the 'premium' that exists in this country, it registers a value above 1.8 $, which is equivalent to a value improvement of close 20%, with respect to European or American exchange houses.
El Bitcoin NO puede reemplazar al oro, Consejo MundialEl Consejo Mundial del Oro (World Gold Council) ha vuelto hacer enfático al afirmar que el Bitcoin no puede remplazar al
ORO como valor refugio o cobertura contra otros activos como el
Euro y Dólar, esta posición va en contra de algunos analistas que comenzaron a llamar al Bitcoin como el "oro digital".
Precio del oro cotiza al rededor de los US$ 1,300 dólares la onza, sin embargo al términos de la reunión de la Reserva Federal este podría subir hasta los US$ 1,400 dólares, por lo tanto es una idea invertir en oro.
Al cierre de este viernes el
Precio del dolar bajo frente al euro un 0.77% para situarse sobre los US$ 0.85 dólares, mientras que el par Dólar Euro (USDEUR) se aprecio un 0.68% hasta US$ 1,17 dólares, la moneda americana retrocedió tras las declaraciones del presidente Donald Trump contra la FED acerca de una inminente subida de los tipos de interés.
¿Cuánto está el
Euro Dolar Hoy ? ¿Cuál es la tendencia del dólar? ¿Qué factores impulsan al dólar?
¿Cuánto está el dólar hoy? - Este jueves el
Precio del dolar en Perú cerraba a la baja tras un incremento en las ventas de la moneda americana por parte de las empresas locales y administradoras de fondos de pensión en medio de un periodo de pago de gratificaciones e impuestos