I do see both sides of the equation, but unfortunately while they can be mad at the internet trolls for hating on them, that is what the internet is for. Them, as a company, attacking their customers, calling names, blowing up in forums, is not a form of professional business mannerisms. The fact they are also incredibly opaque in their operation and not transparent rubs a lot of people the wrong way. That is why other companies, who are the competition, are capitalizing on their rather insulting business practices both online and offline.
Especially when their number one form of communication is...
*drum roll*
A god damn web forum.
Companies don't do this crap. Announcements and progress updates are done via professional mass emails or professional company blogs. Not some open BBL forum with member blogs with some lady who loves to run her mouth. And when they get "rude" comments, they wonder why.
There are college student startup businesses that have better communication then them. Kickstarters are way more organized and informative. Occulus Rift is now has millions of dollars in backing and banking. They've yet to disappoint, and big named companies are looking at them now.