I had a jally with the same pay date and it didn't ship until June 7th. Jody posted this message on June 6th. "Most of the Jalapenos through paydate July 31 have shipped. Sometimes an order can get hung up in the shipping software."
I would like to hear some more shipping and pay dates before I fly down there. Though it seems pretty obvious that pay dates are not being honored.
My two SC Singles just went into production yesterday and I got an email from Jody telling me they would be shipping in the next couple days. My pay date was June 23, 2012. June 23, 2012 was the first preorder day, so I am unclear on how you think you have an April 2012 pay date.
I paid for the order in April 2012. A lot of people cancelled FPGA orders and converted them to ASIC orders. Butterfly has already said those pay dates will be honored.
I suspect that the date they are using is the date you converted the order and it's just wishful thinking that they would ever use your FPGA pay date. If they were using your FPGA pay date instead of your conversion date, then I wouldn't have gotten my Jalapeno more than a month before you and you would have already received your SC Single.