You probably won't ever see your initial investment back, but at least you have 600GH/s mining for you right now that is hosted and looks like it has excellent uptime.
what are the people hosting now 1st batch paid 4695.00 usd if i remember right then like 50 bucks for the wire xfer if you went that route...for a 'cloud mining' 600gh now that will make 'less" at this point in time then 1 BTC (guess but a close guess)
also from an august 2013 it is july 2014 and they STILL can't get a product out
and right now out the door in to the wilds of shipping in 48hrs an antminer S3 at a 'easily' obtainable in my view 504gh at say 375 watts for the fine price of 0.074 btc last I looked or as of now exactly that is in usd $464.07 with supposed arrival no later then July 20th er this is 2nd batch me thinks....does not include shipping i think
but still compare that to your 'cloud hashing till we ship offer' from BFL likely in lieu of a real refund
so that means right now (if you managed to get a refund from BFL) you could get $4695.00 plus $50 wire xfer so total ant miners you could get at 504gh (w/o shipping trying to be exact and fair here) exactly 10.22 504 antminer units by July 20th for a total of 5.04TH of course elec would be 3750 watts plus you need say sep power supplies say 5 1200i's maybe at 350 each (guessing)
so there are expenses...but they options above WOULD EXIST IF YOU COULD ONLY GET THAT DAMN REFUND AS PROMISED
(which again in my view me thinks will not be an option when they get to your spot in the 'we will GH host for you" part of the order line....
what a farce
you can go further if you simply just bought coin with the BFL GH hosting option maybe you'd make 1 BTC (guess)
buying coin with your initial 1st in line above w/wire xfer $50 fee of $4745.00 above in just coin again that IF YOU ACTUALLY COULD GET YOUR REFUND would be
at this point in time a flat out @462.22 again 10.26 BTC
heh so you'd be better off buying btc at this point but any I mean any any any option is better then BFL's lame cloud hashing 600gh offer (or maybe only option not sure) at the price you paid at the front of the line of $4745.00 for an original (we taped out in aug 2013 heh) 600gh monarch
that still has not shipped and again it is July 2014
man it is nice I got my 8.5k back more by fluke/luck then any skill on my part ..and I hope you guys get your refund...but i suspect you are as likley to get an email that you got 600gh of hashing as their fufillment of the the promised hashing (10 months late) rather then them giving you any more $$$ heck it makes more sense for them to do antminer s3 they bought and hash for you till they get the junk out that don't work then keep or resell the antminers...then refund your $$$
again consumer protection in the usa is dead this shoulda been taken care of last year if our laws had any clout imho
anyway hope I'm wrong or the pressure is intense on BFL from someone to give refunds...but I see this as a way for them to wiggle out of you ever getting equip
soooooo screwed.....