All right, here we go:
"Command": "getabnweight",
"version": 2.7,
"weight": 209170826.2300579,
"total_required": 5736757,
"coin_age_data_pre_select": "1970.6000(0.22)=[429.59] depth=48, 2763.7000(1.22)=[3357.52] depth=262, 9228.6300(1.00)=[9187.73] depth=214, 1222793.8541(2.01)=[2457545.03] depth=431, 1236756.782470520",
"weight 25000.00": 2470519.879999999,
"total_required 25000.00": 1236756
"Command": "getabnweight",
"version": 2.7,
"weight": 209153894.8350926,
"total_required": 5736757,
"coin_age_data_pre_select": "1970.6000(0.22)=[423.78] depth=47, 2763.7000(1.21)=[3349.37] depth=261, 9228.6300(0.99)=[9160.50] depth=213, 13962.9312934",
"weight 10000.00": 12933.64689814815,
"total_required 10000.00": 13962
"Command": "getabnweight",
"version": 2.7,
"weight": 209186960.8534954,
"total_required": 5736757,
"coin_age_data_pre_select": "1970.6000(0.22)=[435.13] depth=49, 2763.7000(1.22)=[3365.30] depth=263, 4734.303800",
"weight 2500.00": 3800.42849537037,
"total_required 2500.00": 4734
"Command": "createabn",
"xml": "
"err": "",
"coin_age_data_selected": "1970.6000(0.22)=[435.13] depth=49,
2763.7000(1.22)=[3365.30] depth=263, 4734.303800",
"success": "dd21389b880dad2fb99a1a852cdbc0b5c288b5bfeb9b0ed3093a01918918e0d1",
"coin_age_data_pre_select": "1970.6000(0.22)=[435.13] depth=49, 2763.7000(1.22)=[3365.30] depth=263, 4734.303800",
"audited_weight": 3810.014570600166,
"vin_coin_age_data": "\nGetVINCoinAge: Output #0, Weight: 439.12, Age: 0.22, Amount: 1970.00, TxTime: 1564581832...Output #1, Weight: 3370.89, Age: 1.22, Amount: 2763.00, TxTime: 1564495682..."
"Edit: It just came to my mind: could this be somehow sanc related? Because I'm currently trying to migrate my sanc to another ISP/server and those coins just linger in my wallet ...
But if they aren't locked via masternode.conf, they are just normal coins, aren't they?
-> Ahh yes, thats possibly it, but we do skip by them both in select and spend.
So could you try this first please, try locking the coins in coin control manually, then manually send the GSC again, and if it fails, could you please paste the portion of the log with the whole snippet, and also the target coinage percentage?