Tried resyncing version 1199 on windows and linux, but all wallets are stuck at 107029 (hash f230b225783f479af743f4dc0fadb732cc633c18030617cfee270356129242fd). Then after a while my windows wallet restarts itself with the following log:
ERROR: Found invalid chain with higher work (ChainState database corruption likely)
2019-03-14 06:56:00 ERROR: ConnectTip(): ConnectBlock b004cf0af87f1074542b0491123370ac179d2e4f2e4cb25be92a5e9c078aa207 failed
2019-03-14 06:56:00 InvalidChainFound: invalid block=aff336d0359664970b0e1c1599f3fd513904ad19a70d1e351c35ff91761aae6c height=107020 log2_work=59.188157 date=2019-03-14 01:04:00
2019-03-14 06:56:00 InvalidChainFound: current best=b58132e1ce51df1fe192c860f404bdf200fd66cf53d1929c7a25588eb7977240 height=107029 log2_work=59.188159 date=2019-03-14 02:04:46
2019-03-14 06:56:00 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Found invalid chain at least ~6 blocks longer than our best chain.
Chain state database corruption likely.
2019-03-14 06:56:00
ERROR: Found invalid chain with higher work (ChainState database corruption likely)
2019-03-14 06:56:00 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Found invalid chain at least ~6 blocks longer than our best chain.
Chain state database corruption likely.
2019-03-14 06:56:00
ERROR: Found invalid chain with higher work (ChainState database corruption likely)
2019-03-14 06:56:00 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2019-03-14 06:56:00
** Erasing Chain and Rebooting Wallet Now **
Linux wallets just crash like this:
Written info to mncache.dat 26ms
2019-03-14 07:12:16 Masternodes: 529, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 7, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 22, masternode index size: 529, nDsqCount: 0
2019-03-14 07:12:16 mncache.dat dump finished 30ms
2019-03-14 07:12:16 Verifying mnpayments.dat format...
2019-03-14 07:12:16 ERROR: Read: Failed to open file /home/david/.biblepaycore/mnpayments.dat
2019-03-14 07:12:16 Missing file mnpayments.dat, will try to recreate
2019-03-14 07:12:16 Writting info to mnpayments.dat...
2019-03-14 07:12:16
BiblepayMiner -- terminated
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Written info to mnpayments.dat 338ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Votes: 49991, Blocks: 4964
2019-03-14 07:12:17 mnpayments.dat dump finished 372ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Verifying governance.dat format...
2019-03-14 07:12:17 ERROR: Read: Failed to open file /home/david/.biblepaycore/governance.dat
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Missing file governance.dat, will try to recreate
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Writting info to governance.dat...
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Written info to governance.dat 147ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Governance Objects: 410 (Proposals: 104, Triggers: 305, Watchdogs: 1/1, Other: 0; Seen: 412), Votes: 7961
2019-03-14 07:12:17 governance.dat dump finished 162ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Verifying netfulfilled.dat format...
2019-03-14 07:12:17 ERROR: Read: Failed to open file /home/david/.biblepaycore/netfulfilled.dat
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Missing file netfulfilled.dat, will try to recreate
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Writting info to netfulfilled.dat...
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Written info to netfulfilled.dat 1ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 14
2019-03-14 07:12:17 netfulfilled.dat dump finished 1ms
2019-03-14 07:12:17 dumped database files ...
I give up for now and will come back tomorrow to see if everything is running again ...