So I did that, and now I have two "accounts" when I use "./biblepay-cli listaccounts" :
"": 2908.87995899,
"thenameichose": 0.00000000
the "" address is one that changes every once in a while... and the other one has 0 BBP
So what I'd like to do now, is use my "thenameichose" address everywhere: on the pool, on the faucets, for eventual transactions...
And have my "2908.something" BBP on that "thenameichose" address
Is that possible?
Thanks again! And sorry for the dumb questions =((
thanks for the link, but what I meant is...
I already installed everything, and got everything running fine.
Now, if I'd like to create my "own personal" BBP address, how am I supposed to do, using Ubuntu 16 with the CLI version?
You can use the following command:
./biblepay-cli getaccountaddress "INSERT_NAME"
INSERT_NAME = the name you want to give this address in your address-book. For example:
./biblepay-cli getaccountaddress "donations"
You now should see a Biblepay Address in a new line.
You can show all your labeled accounts by using the following command:
./biblepay-cli listaccounts
Ans I'm sure there are also other ways
Hmm... I understand what you want.
It's nice to have one address on which you can receive and send all payments (although from a safety-perspective it's not ideal). But Bitcoin and it's derivatives (like BiblePay) work with something called 'change addresses'. If you pay someone, this transaction will spend ALL BBP that is on the spending address. For example, if you have 1000 BBP on an address, and send someone 1 BBP, it will actually spend the whole 1000 BBP and send the change (999 BBP) to a new address.
Technically this could be same address than the one you spent from, but I'm not sure about the technicalities behind that. Practically, you can receive anything on any address, but spending works differently (although you can select inputs manually when you want to send coins).
I guess this is also the reason why the "" address is changing. Your wallet is sending BBP to stake a couple of times a day (it's sending it to itself, but it's still a transaction), so it's spending BBP from some particular address (or addresses, since a payments can have multiple addresses as input, if the balance on one address is too low), and sends it to the staking address.
But your wallet works as a whole, including all addresses. Your wallet just shows the total balance of all addresses.
Not sure if I answered your question now, haha! Short answer: maybe it's possible, but it's difficult and our system is not meant to operate in that way.