Oh OK now Im starting to understand the problem a little deeper. First of all since you have the utxooverride set in the primary controller wallet I think those are going out. Just type 'exec utxoreport cpid' and you will see the pattern. I dont believe there is a problem with gyrating amounts (as 2,000 people are using it now) I believe the gyrating amounts are being sent at intervals between your controller, your other wallets... The utxoreport will reveal that.
As far as running the latest, yes - if your miners are not running the latest they should technically be OK- but are probably trying to send podc updates using the old default of 50,000. So best advice there is to set 'utxoamount=-1' on the OLD mining wallets pre, or 'utxooverride=-1' on the new mining wallet (actualy just put both in the file), that should prevent it from being sent. Notice - you cant use '=0' because zero means it will try to send 50K.....
Once you interpret the utxoreport then lets go from there - it should reveal that your mining wallets are sending in a small stake, preventing you from being paid. Your Pool row is probably @ utxo below 5% meaning it drops to zero.
I updated all wallets, put the lines into config and restarted those. I also removed the "utxooverride" line from my main controller wallet (windows,, restarted this and then wanted to freshly "podcupdate". Unfortunately now there is another strange problem:
exec podcupdate true gives me the following:
"PODCUpdate": "Unable to create PODC UTXO::Balance (0.00) less than target UTXO (785509.00)."
getbalance however gives the correct amount (500k).
Is there some method to "reset" the whole thing?