Looks like we are in maintenance now. Mandatory upgrade is on the way. The block number is going to be approx 21350 with the goal being to test our masternode sync tomorrow night into Saturday morning, then receive masternode payments starting Sunday. Once I know things are finalized then we can stay with this new version.
More info will be available soon.
The mandatory upgrade should be ready for windows in about 4 hours. In the mean time could I get some linux nodes to upgrade?
BiblePay -
Mandatory Upgrade
- F8000 (Proof-of-Bible-Hash) Starts at block #21350
- Sanctuaries go live at Block #21350
- Sanctuary payments go live at block #21551
- Superblocks start at block 30001
- Superblock are monthly
- Amazon integration (in wallet e-commerce) goes live at block 21350
- Proposals and Budgets go live at block 21551
Let's install a couple sanctuaries and ensure things are working....
Just updated on Linux. Was pretty smooth.
$ ./biblepay-cli getinfo | head -n 2
"version": 1000605,