Simple exaple of BC when he is trying get fud... on BC....
FU fuder siple evidence of BS.
"Something is scetchy when you blockexplore XC, BC, DRK and other coins at Block: 5035 while block 5034 is clearly fine as somebody did earn few coins on that block"
That proves that orginal poster is bad at tech thinngs.. see my image...
Orginal post 5035 block was POS block without 10000 BC reward...If you want speard fud try better prepare to do it so...
If you don't get how pos pow works stop BS.... POW minig had 10000 BC reward not POS minig.
To be clear in BC after 5000 block POS and POW were mined once POS block was chosen once POW block.
POW had 10000BC reward while POS have 0 reward only stake reward or eventually transaction fee.