
Topic: Bill Gates Calls for ‘Global Government’ - page 2. (Read 3910 times)

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Activity: 388
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ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 13, 2015, 07:11:03 AM
"In reality, the call for global government by Gates and other wealthy elitists has nothing to do with lifting up impoverished nations. Such a government would instead guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality and a world run by the exact corrupt interests currently consolidating wealth and power worldwide."

+1 No government is the only real answer!
sr. member
Activity: 388
Merit: 250
ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 13, 2015, 06:57:00 AM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.

Bullshit, un was formed to create a world army for the elites once again. You really need stop sipping the cool aid and look and think for yourself because all media as been controlled by the mafia since 1940s when they brought it all up. You've lived all your life in a era where its all controlled and I mean all. Nothing you see or read or programmed at school is true. Its all double speak!

Have a look and think for yourself what the un as done in the past and is pushing for! Its not peace! And they are the one with the armies that go into all these war zones in the guise of bringing peace! Army's do not bring peace! Wake up and smell the roses and stop drinking the bullshit coolaid!

This is all probably too heavy for the people here because your obviously nowhere near opening your eyes to the truth. But remember, even in a minority of 1, the truth is still the truth! Also remember when your thinking about these things, even if your not thinking completely correctly, your still a danger to the few at the top because you are thinking!

Snap out of the daze your all under! So sad that this site is swamped by people who don't understand the importance of block chain technology! No government! Period is the only answer! People power! Otherwise, we are all fucked! No matter where your from if these sick fucks get what they want!

It's hard to take your point on global conspiracy seriously when you can't master the difference between "your" and "you're."

Get real, you know what it means and stop picking on semantics. Its just another case of people using the easy way out and labeling people instead of taking on the difficult challenge! No offence but it one of the biggest problems with society and why people who may not have great skills in language (anything derived from the Vatican's Latin is satanic anyways be it English, German or whatever) and belittle them instead. I k ow my English isn't great but I also don't have interest in it as I do other things. That's not right of me but were all human and were all falable ;-)

I expect 90% of people call me crazy and what not but water off a ducks back. I'm also on a phone and don't proof read so that doesn't help. Doesn't make what I'm saying not worth looking I to as you can only teach yourself, my ramblings are just information for you to use as is everyone's. Unfortunitly if its not on TV or in the papers its not true for most people. Real sad state of affairs. And I k is my writing comes across as arrogant and personal to a lot but were in a shit place and political correctness is fucking things up even more! People need to learn to accept others, no matter how much they might not agree with a lot of what they say. Misinformation and disinformation makes it all hard to find the truth but that's all apart of the system that's been created so people just can't make sense of things. If there's a movie about it, its a cover up! It changes peoples perception and they don't even realise it. Titanic for example, which j p Morgan financed white star liners who changed the Olympics (insured for 1.5 million and had an accident in exercises that were said to be its fault) was swapped out to be the titanic (insured for 15.8 million) and to boot, putting a lot of people opposed to the federal reserve bank on there while j p Morgan and friends didn't travel on it last minute! Captain smith was also a level 33 mason. They always make multiple bennifits out of their 'accident' events! Another tell tale sign. Withing less than a year of the olympica been sank as the titanic the fed reserve bank was created. As I say, people have been programmed through social engineering on so many levels, they are pretty damn good at it now! Divide and conquer, they've won as I'm surrounded by brain dead zombie sheep incapable of critical thinking and questioning things and are just obiediant slaves. I'm obviously going look crazy to all these zombies and because most people are zombies they feel the false sense of security been around zombies! Its going take a long long time to start appreciating experience and wiseness over youth and stupidity which is what everyone does these days!

Calling anyone a zombie who doesn't also believe in your conspiracy theories is not a convincing debate tactic. Also, just making wildly unbelievable assertions without any evidence is not convincing. You're right about sounding crazy, and you're perfectly free to be so, but if you hope to convince anyone to take you or your ideas seriously, grammar, sound logic, and proof-reading your posts are the first place to start. Then use sources to back up your claims, and it's now worth the time to read and consider your ideas. Phone and haste are acceptable excuses for typos, but lack of education is the excuse for poor grammar or confusing homophones, and as a rule, people with low education generally have poorly reasoned, overly simplistic, or incorrect ideas. Your ideas are only as good as the packaging they come in. If you have no credibility, the message you are trying to convey doesn't either.

Wow! You fell for every bit of social engineering in that statement of yours! If you want scratch the surface and your going take the time, i can do that for you. Let's start with no one can teach. You can only teach yourself! So as much information I put down its up to you to teach yourself. The idea of a 'teacher' is one of then biggest false hoods their is. If your not willing to educate yourself, no one can do it for you.

 I never let schooling get in the way of my education - mark twain

School is programming ever since getes and Rockefeller's got their hands on it in 1903. Again, apart of the social engineering and I reccomend this documentary, human resources:

Please note, Rome wasn't built in a day and to teach yourself isn't going be done in easy digestible pieces either! Look in many areas and many sources (even the bad ones like msm, false alternative news like alex jones, David icke, mark dice etc etc and just your common person who is really trying to help. This allows you to see the tactics in action. Something only you in time will teach yourself to spot. The joke about conpiricy theorist is that conspiracy theorist is the conspiracy! Your programmed to want a finger to point at, to label people x, y & z because that's easy and satisfying for you, at least immediately although its hollow with no substance and ultimatly peoples downfall. Its easy to label someone/something, to understand is hard and people don't like hard!

Let's move on to the current controlling powers that are about today shall we. Namely, the military industrial estate, politicians & banksters. World wars were all written about back in 1780's and were planned for the late 1800's but tookna little longer than elthey expected. You got to remember that this as been going on since at least the Roman days. The romans faded away around 300ad but they just moved from Italy to the east. This was called the Byzantine empire which was essentially the roman empire moving so they could start to change the minds of then people away wlfrom the roman ideology. They used the roman mailing system as a spy network and from their the khazars were formed, an elite group of people that used the Jewish religion to charge people for the passage of the silk round, tax, or by any other sane persons description of tax, theft! Christianity and Muslims would never allow these charges to exist in their religion but jewism did! This is the only reason they move under the guisenof Jewish today and to find more about this sick undertaking, look up crypto Jew, not Zionist or any other name that's thrown around today for misinformation/disinformation.

There's a brief background (real brief) but there's enough there to get you started. Now moving onto 1800 - today, instead of explaining, watch this and see the levels of deception that go on today after people have been schooled how to behave (not education) -

Names, groups and everything is given in that documentary. Its all so easy for them today with most people so dumbed down they don't know what happened yesterday, nevermind 100/500/1000+ years ago!

You got to relied these people at the top lack empathy and would fuck their own trans over to save their own bacon! Thjsnis what is happening at butterfly labs incidently as they are using g the same social engineering tricks that the the top do. This is why they are so brazen and seemingly don't care! They litterly don't and get kicks out of others suffering.

JP Morgan was behind the switching of the titanic with the damaged olypica in 1912 because the olypica had a training exercise accident and it was claimed to be the ships fault so couldn't claim the 1.5 million insurance. White star liners were going under so jp Morgan who funded the shipyard no less switched the ships and sailed it out as the titanic with a lot of people who were incidently against the federal reserve bank as the titanic, which coincidentally was insured for 15.8 million! Nice little pay off hey, saving white star liners! Fed reserve bank was formed in 1913 and signified the death of america. 1913 america died! Over 100 years ago lol. This is where power of the people really started to shift from the church to the state are more so the bankers. The real rise of the Rothschild's and co. But don't think the religions all around the world don't still play their part in this, they do! They run the peodophile industry that's institutionalised the world.over. here, this is how they control a lot of people through dark satanic means

Banned docu from the 80s/90s

Jimmy saville was nothing but a pimp for the politicians and royal families. Prince Phillip was apart of the Nazi regime for starters. And BTW, the Nazi head quarters was in USA, and basically was the first time the rich and powerful ever made a army for themselves! It was called the unimaginative name of the Hitler project and he was nothing more than a pawn funded by the western bankers and royal families all over the world. The royal families are ALL related and even prince Phillip about why he hates communism and replied quote "because they killed half my family' talking about the killing of the Russian royality!

When you start looking at what these people love to do in their spare time, you begin to see the real evil. And it doesn't matter if you believe what they believe, THEY DO! Here, watch this docu called sun, sea & Satan! About a little known island called jersey which is owned by the STATE of LONDON, not the city of London!

I could go on and on and on, but would never be able to explain in text the extent of the social engineering in the west or so called 'developed countries'. I've been lucky enough to live in south america, Asia and India and travel extensively the world over. You can't tell me that humans are not all the same and you can't tell me most people want exactly the same thing but there is centralised controls stopping people from achieving peace the world.over. its obvious once you snap out of the false security they give you and realise anarchy and decentralisation is the only answer to stopping the sick unempathetic satanic peodo's and finally taking what's rightfully away from the 0.000001%. About 50,000 at most with a core steering committee of 500-1000 at most! These people are truely steering this world to hell! And we the people are to blind, to satisfied with false security or just to dumb to realise this.

Misinformation and disinformation surrounds us so we can't blame ourselves, we hardly have a chance with the level of social engineering that's going on today.

CIA was formed by the bush family, who were good friends with the bin laden family. Saddam Hussain had to die as he knew to much, even having the key to Detroit given him in 1984! Of cause, when he stopped harassing Iran and was going stop using the petrol dollar, he had to go! Same in libyia. They were going stop using the petrodollar! UN nations are the terrorists! Snap out of your daze and realise our ignorance is what allows these fruit cakes to get away with it! The world already hates UN nations and the sheeple dontnunderatand why! Haha. So fucki g obvious were so wrapped up in false securities that we can't see the woods for the trees!

I think I've give you enough to chew on, I can get into spiritual stuff like the flower of life, fruit of life, platonic solids and really show you powerful things but I'm pretty certain. You got a long way to go before you could even contiplate these kind of freeing things. For now, I'll leave you with this, a small solution to begin change (also, this is why I'm into the bitcoin protocol, not the 'currency' app its so good at, we can DECENTRALISE EVERYTHING sons few can't manipulate EVERYTHING!. The only thing that as value in life is peoples labour, NOTHIN& ELSE!).

P.S - if you don't like YouTube vids, understandable, go away and look for text, there's plenty to back it all up. Look up gladio b which goes into the FBI and cia drug running operation! Why you think Russ Ulbricht got fucked for running a web site! Stepping on their toes! Why do you think USA invaded afganistan! Poppies! It risen over 10,000% since they invaded lol.

Now go ahead, label me whatever you like but by falling into that frame of mind of labelling people you are facilitating the people at the top and therefore allowing g what is happening to happen! You are as bad as them!

If you can go and look, inquire, investigate YOURSELF you will realise that what I say is true!

 Even in a minority of 1 the truth is still the truth!

And the truth is a hard pill to swallow! Infact a lot of people can't handle it and give up! And I can attest, realising that everything you know and been told is not true is hard for us humans to take in and grasp, but if your strong and brave, and have the courage to go on the truth sets you free, truely free! Then, we start to chip away at what as been allowed to happen. Slowly but surely we make steps in the right direction.

No one said life was fair, but an even playing field is what I fight for for 8 billion people of my brothers and sisters! Most here are here for greed, I get that! But bitcoin protocol as the power of SO MUCH MORE!!!
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
February 13, 2015, 01:49:50 AM
"In reality, the call for global government by Gates and other wealthy elitists has nothing to do with lifting up impoverished nations. Such a government would instead guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality and a world run by the exact corrupt interests currently consolidating wealth and power worldwide."
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
February 10, 2015, 03:47:25 PM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.

Bullshit, un was formed to create a world army for the elites once again. You really need stop sipping the cool aid and look and think for yourself because all media as been controlled by the mafia since 1940s when they brought it all up. You've lived all your life in a era where its all controlled and I mean all. Nothing you see or read or programmed at school is true. Its all double speak!

Have a look and think for yourself what the un as done in the past and is pushing for! Its not peace! And they are the one with the armies that go into all these war zones in the guise of bringing peace! Army's do not bring peace! Wake up and smell the roses and stop drinking the bullshit coolaid!

This is all probably too heavy for the people here because your obviously nowhere near opening your eyes to the truth. But remember, even in a minority of 1, the truth is still the truth! Also remember when your thinking about these things, even if your not thinking completely correctly, your still a danger to the few at the top because you are thinking!

Snap out of the daze your all under! So sad that this site is swamped by people who don't understand the importance of block chain technology! No government! Period is the only answer! People power! Otherwise, we are all fucked! No matter where your from if these sick fucks get what they want!

It's hard to take your point on global conspiracy seriously when you can't master the difference between "your" and "you're."

Get real, you know what it means and stop picking on semantics. Its just another case of people using the easy way out and labeling people instead of taking on the difficult challenge! No offence but it one of the biggest problems with society and why people who may not have great skills in language (anything derived from the Vatican's Latin is satanic anyways be it English, German or whatever) and belittle them instead. I k ow my English isn't great but I also don't have interest in it as I do other things. That's not right of me but were all human and were all falable ;-)

I expect 90% of people call me crazy and what not but water off a ducks back. I'm also on a phone and don't proof read so that doesn't help. Doesn't make what I'm saying not worth looking I to as you can only teach yourself, my ramblings are just information for you to use as is everyone's. Unfortunitly if its not on TV or in the papers its not true for most people. Real sad state of affairs. And I k is my writing comes across as arrogant and personal to a lot but were in a shit place and political correctness is fucking things up even more! People need to learn to accept others, no matter how much they might not agree with a lot of what they say. Misinformation and disinformation makes it all hard to find the truth but that's all apart of the system that's been created so people just can't make sense of things. If there's a movie about it, its a cover up! It changes peoples perception and they don't even realise it. Titanic for example, which j p Morgan financed white star liners who changed the Olympics (insured for 1.5 million and had an accident in exercises that were said to be its fault) was swapped out to be the titanic (insured for 15.8 million) and to boot, putting a lot of people opposed to the federal reserve bank on there while j p Morgan and friends didn't travel on it last minute! Captain smith was also a level 33 mason. They always make multiple bennifits out of their 'accident' events! Another tell tale sign. Withing less than a year of the olympica been sank as the titanic the fed reserve bank was created. As I say, people have been programmed through social engineering on so many levels, they are pretty damn good at it now! Divide and conquer, they've won as I'm surrounded by brain dead zombie sheep incapable of critical thinking and questioning things and are just obiediant slaves. I'm obviously going look crazy to all these zombies and because most people are zombies they feel the false sense of security been around zombies! Its going take a long long time to start appreciating experience and wiseness over youth and stupidity which is what everyone does these days!

Calling anyone a zombie who doesn't also believe in your conspiracy theories is not a convincing debate tactic. Also, just making wildly unbelievable assertions without any evidence is not convincing. You're right about sounding crazy, and you're perfectly free to be so, but if you hope to convince anyone to take you or your ideas seriously, grammar, sound logic, and proof-reading your posts are the first place to start. Then use sources to back up your claims, and it's now worth the time to read and consider your ideas. Phone and haste are acceptable excuses for typos, but lack of education is the excuse for poor grammar or confusing homophones, and as a rule, people with low education generally have poorly reasoned, overly simplistic, or incorrect ideas. Your ideas are only as good as the packaging they come in. If you have no credibility, the message you are trying to convey doesn't either.
sr. member
Activity: 388
Merit: 250
ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 04, 2015, 06:14:54 PM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.

Bullshit, un was formed to create a world army for the elites once again. You really need stop sipping the cool aid and look and think for yourself because all media as been controlled by the mafia since 1940s when they brought it all up. You've lived all your life in a era where its all controlled and I mean all. Nothing you see or read or programmed at school is true. Its all double speak!

Have a look and think for yourself what the un as done in the past and is pushing for! Its not peace! And they are the one with the armies that go into all these war zones in the guise of bringing peace! Army's do not bring peace! Wake up and smell the roses and stop drinking the bullshit coolaid!

This is all probably too heavy for the people here because your obviously nowhere near opening your eyes to the truth. But remember, even in a minority of 1, the truth is still the truth! Also remember when your thinking about these things, even if your not thinking completely correctly, your still a danger to the few at the top because you are thinking!

Snap out of the daze your all under! So sad that this site is swamped by people who don't understand the importance of block chain technology! No government! Period is the only answer! People power! Otherwise, we are all fucked! No matter where your from if these sick fucks get what they want!

It's hard to take your point on global conspiracy seriously when you can't master the difference between "your" and "you're."

Get real, you know what it means and stop picking on semantics. Its just another case of people using the easy way out and labeling people instead of taking on the difficult challenge! No offence but it one of the biggest problems with society and why people who may not have great skills in language (anything derived from the Vatican's Latin is satanic anyways be it English, German or whatever) and belittle them instead. I k ow my English isn't great but I also don't have interest in it as I do other things. That's not right of me but were all human and were all falable ;-)

I expect 90% of people call me crazy and what not but water off a ducks back. I'm also on a phone and don't proof read so that doesn't help. Doesn't make what I'm saying not worth looking I to as you can only teach yourself, my ramblings are just information for you to use as is everyone's. Unfortunitly if its not on TV or in the papers its not true for most people. Real sad state of affairs. And I k is my writing comes across as arrogant and personal to a lot but were in a shit place and political correctness is fucking things up even more! People need to learn to accept others, no matter how much they might not agree with a lot of what they say. Misinformation and disinformation makes it all hard to find the truth but that's all apart of the system that's been created so people just can't make sense of things. If there's a movie about it, its a cover up! It changes peoples perception and they don't even realise it. Titanic for example, which j p Morgan financed white star liners who changed the Olympics (insured for 1.5 million and had an accident in exercises that were said to be its fault) was swapped out to be the titanic (insured for 15.8 million) and to boot, putting a lot of people opposed to the federal reserve bank on there while j p Morgan and friends didn't travel on it last minute! Captain smith was also a level 33 mason. They always make multiple bennifits out of their 'accident' events! Another tell tale sign. Withing less than a year of the olympica been sank as the titanic the fed reserve bank was created. As I say, people have been programmed through social engineering on so many levels, they are pretty damn good at it now! Divide and conquer, they've won as I'm surrounded by brain dead zombie sheep incapable of critical thinking and questioning things and are just obiediant slaves. I'm obviously going look crazy to all these zombies and because most people are zombies they feel the false sense of security been around zombies! Its going take a long long time to start appreciating experience and wiseness over youth and stupidity which is what everyone does these days!
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
February 04, 2015, 04:15:42 PM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.

Bullshit, un was formed to create a world army for the elites once again. You really need stop sipping the cool aid and look and think for yourself because all media as been controlled by the mafia since 1940s when they brought it all up. You've lived all your life in a era where its all controlled and I mean all. Nothing you see or read or programmed at school is true. Its all double speak!

Have a look and think for yourself what the un as done in the past and is pushing for! Its not peace! And they are the one with the armies that go into all these war zones in the guise of bringing peace! Army's do not bring peace! Wake up and smell the roses and stop drinking the bullshit coolaid!

This is all probably too heavy for the people here because your obviously nowhere near opening your eyes to the truth. But remember, even in a minority of 1, the truth is still the truth! Also remember when your thinking about these things, even if your not thinking completely correctly, your still a danger to the few at the top because you are thinking!

Snap out of the daze your all under! So sad that this site is swamped by people who don't understand the importance of block chain technology! No government! Period is the only answer! People power! Otherwise, we are all fucked! No matter where your from if these sick fucks get what they want!

It's hard to take your point on global conspiracy seriously when you can't master the difference between "your" and "you're."
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
February 04, 2015, 03:03:23 PM
Nothing new under the curtains, the elite has been wanting a global government for a very long time. There are several speeches where high up people talk about it openly.. Global government is BAD for everyone except the ones in the top.

The only kind of global government that will work is one that advances communications and transportation to all people, let's people do trade freely, and eliminates all the formal governments of the world.

Bitcoin will be a big part of this happening.

There are a LOT more of problems to overcome... Like getting people out of their robotic state that us westerners have turned into. And the fact that the world is overpopulated, among million of other things.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
February 04, 2015, 02:44:29 PM
The only kind of global government that will work is one that advances communications and transportation to all people, let's people do trade freely, and eliminates all the formal governments of the world.

Bitcoin will be a big part of this happening.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
February 04, 2015, 01:54:42 PM
Interesting that the ex-head of an industry giant, herald of the movement to put computers in classrooms, who helped see MS Windows come to be, MS Office, the buys in completely to man-made climate change,

It's not about "buying in", it's about taking precautions against black swan events. In the case of climate change, the so-called climate "sceptics" are the idiots here. They don't understand risk.

The risk of extreme events, such as a humanitarian calamity caused by massive crop failure/food destruction, caused by (take your pick...)
cloud seeding and temperature changes at ground level from particulate emissions,
sustained high CO2 (as opposed to short volcanic bursts),
acid rain,
extinction of a top predator, resulting in plagues,

cannot be calculated, so the deciding factor should be the extremeness, not the unlikelihood.
Hmmm....and why exactly does "extremeness" make the climate sceptics the idiots? 

This would mean that speaking your mind honestly about errors in scientific work cannot be allowed.  That's what climate skeptics do.

I don't think this argument is supportable by Taleb's work on "black swans."
sr. member
Activity: 388
Merit: 250
ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 04, 2015, 05:01:12 AM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.

Bullshit, un was formed to create a world army for the elites once again. You really need stop sipping the cool aid and look and think for yourself because all media as been controlled by the mafia since 1940s when they brought it all up. You've lived all your life in a era where its all controlled and I mean all. Nothing you see or read or programmed at school is true. Its all double speak!

Have a look and think for yourself what the un as done in the past and is pushing for! Its not peace! And they are the one with the armies that go into all these war zones in the guise of bringing peace! Army's do not bring peace! Wake up and smell the roses and stop drinking the bullshit coolaid!

This is all probably too heavy for the people here because your obviously nowhere near opening your eyes to the truth. But remember, even in a minority of 1, the truth is still the truth! Also remember when your thinking about these things, even if your not thinking completely correctly, your still a danger to the few at the top because you are thinking!

Snap out of the daze your all under! So sad that this site is swamped by people who don't understand the importance of block chain technology! No government! Period is the only answer! People power! Otherwise, we are all fucked! No matter where your from if these sick fucks get what they want!
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
February 04, 2015, 02:28:52 AM
Gates earth foot print exceed the ones of most politburo members... but more seriously the kid wants one thing (you can see it with free win10 to impose dx12 to all those gpus that could move once and for all to a open source system but...) IS TO IMPOSE INTELLECTUAL PROPRIETY RIGHTS. that's why he support gmos (dna patent)... he has to do it worldwide, as chairman of msft. Problem is that on some basis he may be right to want to copyright digital code that has no bearing in reality, but dna... that's another story. and so their chosen strategy, even if once backed by the USMIIC may now not be that appropriated... what's ironic is that the USMIIC had to learn the absurdity of I.P. law in War... pathetic that even someone thought about that...
Activity: 169
Merit: 10
ExToke - Fee Free Trading
February 03, 2015, 02:08:47 PM
The UN was made for one purpose, and so far it has succeded in it: preventing a third world war, fought with nukes. That is how the security council was selected, and the purpose of the veto rights. Small-scale wars were considered unavoidable. Stuff like UNESCO is just fluffy bonus programs that don't hurt the great powers.

Global government? Fine for me if it was democratic and extremely decentralized... but that's not what someone like Gates has in mind, and illusionary in the current ideological climate. What he wants is the realistic version: a capitalist oligarchy with himself in a place in the politburo.
sr. member
Activity: 303
Merit: 250
February 03, 2015, 01:12:37 PM
Isn't this what the United Nations is for?

Calling it Government will guarantee that it never happens. We don't need a world governed by one administration. We need a world were all administrations have committed to following the same high-level of select standards.

The UN is a toothless body.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 1515
February 03, 2015, 12:56:13 AM
I honestly don't blame him. The idea of a global government that governs all nations, all people, clearly is a horrible idea, but the idea of having some sort of unity between nations is something all developed countries strive for, so I think this is what he's hinting at. Things like climate change are viewed so differently on different levels. You have democrats here fighting for global warming, and the Middle East glorifying it, perhaps if people were on the same level things would be better for the world. Global government, meh, global unity through some organization, that sounds like a better plan in my opinion.
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ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 02, 2015, 10:28:36 PM
Adolf Hitler had a similar vision

Ah, the Hitler project. No shot, that's what it was called, funded by monarchies and banksters of the world. The first time the rich ever created there own army. There office was in the united states even. Again, history as been manipulated through the programming of school. No one knows there own history and as been taught to accept what there told lacking any sense of critical thinking. And if you do your a 'tin foil hat' or 'conspiracy theorist'. Its easy to label people so people choice that option instead of been a man and facing the issues that are not easy!

Joke about 'conspiracy theory' is that that is the conspiracy lol. Misinformation and disinformation helps with divide and conquer.

The Bitcoin protocol will help the 6.5 billion on this planet rise because they understand what life about! The 1.5 billion in so called developed countries will be left behind because they are just brainwashed sacks of shit. Not there fault tbh either but who said life was fair! All the the Bitcoin protocol can do is make it an even playing field for everyone. The only people who bennifit from class systems is the 0.00001% at the top! And they don't want to let go of the power that their thieving anchesters took. That sums up what's going on in this world pretty much. Unempathetic peodophiles are manipulating everyone but people don't want to face the truth when the truth sets you free!

Meh, why bother. I'm talking to greedy mofo's who don't understand that they are manipulated through fear (fictional events actually realised) and think paper, gold, silver actually is wealth lol. Hell is here on earth right now! Were living in it! They use our own emotions against us all the time. They don't have remorse or regret and would sell there own gran out to make a buck! Fact is 3-5% of people lack empathy, and without empathy humanity is doomed!

No love in this world anymore. Everyones controlled by bullsbit fear! You know were born without fear and they use it to mold us Into what they want. Well try, some of us fall through the net because we use critical thinking g and question everything. Humans have the ability to think out the box separate ourselves from our emotions but most don't use this ability. To be wise is to have experience, and to have experience you have many failures!

People are going be awoken soon anyways, this bullshit is falling apart that a few have created and they are losing their grip. Who are they? Well, just look at the STATE of London, STAtE of Washington DC, STATE of Vatican, STATE of Israel. Notice a re-acurance here? All these STATES have there own laws and is where true evil sits in this world. Goes all the way back to at least the romans. They faded in around 300ad when the Byzantines took over and used the old roman mailing system as spy networks. From them the khazars used the Jewish religion because it allowed for tax and charging for passage on the silk road. Christianity and muslims would not allow these kinds of theft tactics. That's the only reason they use the Jewish religion, these people don't have a religion in truth and crypto Jews are just scum.

And now its your turn to berate me because thats easy to do instead of going away and looking Into what I say and teaching yourselves in 3....2....1.....

P.s - if you are Interested in what I say, here is an excellent documentary on how they manipulate us through fear, its called social engineering and its been going on for millennia but the tools they have today! Just sick!

Human resources -
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Activity: 388
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ELYSIAN | Pre-TGE 5.21.2018 | TGE 6.04.2018
February 02, 2015, 10:15:04 PM
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
February 02, 2015, 07:49:40 PM
Isn't this what the United Nations is for?

Calling it Government will guarantee that it never happens. We don't need a world governed by one administration. We need a world were all administrations have committed to following the same high-level of select standards.

The UN is voluntary though, with no ability to enforce its decisions. Unless my understanding is wrong, wouldn't the point of having one world 'government' differ in that it would function as we know governments to function now? That is, they make laws and enforce them through the use of force?
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 509
February 02, 2015, 07:16:55 PM
Isn't this what the United Nations is for?

Calling it Government will guarantee that it never happens. We don't need a world governed by one administration. We need a world were all administrations have committed to following the same high-level of select standards.
The wealthy elite wants one world goverment to secure their wealth, this includes Bill Gates. Im sure they will come up with their own electronic cash .
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Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!
February 02, 2015, 03:39:55 PM
Isn't this what the United Nations is for?

Calling it Government will guarantee that it never happens. We don't need a world governed by one administration. We need a world were all administrations have committed to following the same high-level of select standards.
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260
February 02, 2015, 01:12:54 PM
I've never understood the opposition to a global government. It always seems to come from conspiracy theorists that lack critical thinking skills. What are we suppose to do? Never become united? Remain separate entities constantly vying and warring for territory and power? Does that really sound like the intelligent thing to do?

I agree in some respects but conspiracy theorists will just find a conspiracy or reason to moan in anything.

Adolf Hitler had a similar vision

But Hitler was a tyrant. I can't see what would be wrong if the world was governed by a decent philanthropist human being but there's just too many problems and differing people and nations with differing ideologies that cannot be fixed in such a way.

A global government would become tyrannical too, power corrupts and total power corrupts totally, In nature all ecosystems are dynamic and decentralised it is the most effective way of maintaining balance. Localised responsibility and initiative is the most effective way of addressing problems. the challenges facing people in various parts of the world are different and require local solutions and localised participation. To think that some global bureaucracy could even keep pace let alone deal with issues is naive and would lead us all into an Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, an Orwellian nightmare.
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