I have been a binance user from the day I learn about trading and trust me there is no other exchange which is more secure than binance
Apart from when they were hacked for thousands of bitcoin earlier this year. Oh and when they were hacked for thousands of users' KYC documents, also earlier this year.
You know that some of these fees are paid as mining expenses, right?
You can read the breakdown of the calculation here:
https://beincrypto.com/binance-earns-more-than-20000-per-day-overcharging-on-transaction-fees/Binance made 7 transactions in an hour, each transaction containing 36 outputs, paying a total of 0.01 BTC in mining fees. With their withdrawal fee of 0.0005, 0.0005*36*7 = 0.126 BTC charged to customers, leaving Binance with a profit of 0.116 BTC in a single hour. Multiply that by 24 to get close to 3 BTC per day. Now add in a similar calculation for all the different coins they list, and that $20k a day suddenly becomes much higher.
It's disgusting really, and Binance are probably far from being the worst offenders here. If you don't want to continue to be ripped off, then you should consider trading peer-to-peer on a DEX instead.