n2004al, I unfortunately can't reply with a lot to your post.
Just imagine if I had to show to each member of the campaign which posts weren't counted and for which reasons. Such a thing just isn't possible. The 10 posts you weren't 'paid' for, were likely (as I stated) made in excluded boards.
It is your job to protect your actions. And to tell to everyone of us why you don't pay for our work. You have not the right to act and not to give the reasons of your actions. We are not your slaves. Only those can be treated in the way you think. You want to do a job which is out of your capacity. Because every manager know well that must be responsible for its actions and be able to argument to anyone everything which have to do with with them. At least, if you are ignorant in this field, learn. Open some management book and read on it about this position and the way the respective job is made.
As for you claim that my post are in excluded boards this is another shameful lie.If it will be so (as you claim) those would have been excluded by the bot. I have do a request for explanation
only for the posts given as correct by the bot and not for the others excluded by it. Below the explanations which argue that you make a shameful claim.
The first post of this week is made at
October 10, 2015, 07:19:15 AM as it is showed and argued (and can be proved seeing the date and the hour of my payment of the last week which is fixed at the bot) at the previous my post in the previous page of this thread. This post have in this moment the number
184. My last post this week (after which is made the payment) is made at
October 16, 2015, 04:36:00 PM. Its actual number is
It easy to find the overall number of posts made by me this week.
184-5=179 posts in total. So I have made 179 post in total this week. I counted as correct only the correct posts given as such by the bot: which are 164 (or 163 because I don't remember the exact number; I had no doubt about this kind of problem before, so I haven't given importance the remembering of the correct number of my good posts). My wrong when have to do with people like you.
So if the overall my posts are 179 and I wrote to you as good posts only 164 of those, are 15 or 16 the posts excluded by the bot
for which I didn't ask nothing in my message (everyone can read above the number of posts given as correct by me in my message sent to you: are 164 and not 179 which is overall number of those this week).
I was paid for only 154 past and not for 164 (or 163) given as correct by the bot.
I asked to know the reason of exclusion for only 10 posts and not for 25 or 26 such. Everything is shown clear in my above post and in my message.
So don't lie. Have at least the courage to protect your actions. Your polite behavior and hypocrisy don't have any effect on me.
Poor the owners of bit-x which kind of manager have for their signature campaign!
All the number of posts above don't count this post and the others which will be made after this. But anyone can do the simple math if want adding the new posts made after this seeing the overall number of posts in my profile.