This is a new thread for a conversation that started in the bitaddress thread: Bill Sized PDF
Goal: To generate printable PDF images of bill sized bitcoin wallet addresses. Allow for the easy creation of paper wallets which are dollar bill sized so they can fit in wallets, and are visually appealing as well as can be printed on durable paper. A good approach would be to expand on the existing PDF generation code in bitaddress to redraw the print outs to be bill sized. This approach would have the added benefit of being able to be pushed upstream back into the bitaddress code base. BitAddress has been entirely open-sourced.
Private key would be exposed. For hand to hand exchanged between trusted parties.
If for use between parties with lack of trust, amount can be withdrawn from the paper using a mobile phone in an instant check deposit, and the paper bill can be discarded.
Print outs will come in the same size as US dollar bills, or about 6.5cm by 15.5cm. (Could also consider paper currency sizes for other countries.)
Design layout does not in any way need to resemble US bills. Just the same size is needed so that they fit in wallets.
Some basic usage instructions should be included in the layout, or a url for info.
Something cool looking enough that I could get my friend to accept them.
Two-part printout. Have one segment for an "invoices" with the Public Key only, and a second bill with both the Public Key and the Private Keys.
Printed in different denominations for use as private currency. (For a customer loyalty programs, redeemable only with the merchant that issues them)
This note allows you to access stored money.
If private key may have been disclosed, you should retrieve the money immediately.
Anyone who has had to this note may retrieve the money first.
To learn more about bitcoins go to: or
Bitcoin Address: 1xxxx Use this address to send more money to this address.
Private Key: 5xxxx Import this key to retrieve the stored money.
Best printed on paper that's cotton based 50% or better and acid free.
Use in conjunction with ( sponsor? )
Resources: (bitaddress discussion) (sgornick paper PoS)
For international cash paper sizes: (about paper types of currencies)