is really secure imo.
As long as you disconnect from the internet when you create your randomness & then generate the wallet is should be fine.
Use a cheap, shitty printer that doesn't have internet capabilities.
I'd split up your stash into smaller amounts on different paper wallets too.
Use BIP38 encryption too.
Write your passwords on the paper wallet too, laminate it & hide it somewhere safe.
Maybe print 2 copies.
I did something like this.
Copied the site to a CD, ran it on a harddrive that has never / will never touch the internet.
Created a few wallets, encrypted with BIP38.
Passwords have been written down.
I printed the wallets to a PDF file and burnt it to CDs .. lots of them.. Then copied the wallet from the CD to my actual computer, copied the PDF to many USB's.. I also put the PDF on my work network LOL.
Wondering if there is an issue putting the PDF onto my e-mail. It is encrypted soooo.. am I good to do that.