and went home feeling happy.
In my case I only feel that I have fun when I manage to make a lot of profit while playing with little money, but when I lose a lot even though I only put in little money to play, then I don't feel in the position of someone who has had fun , because in my opinion playing and losing there is nothing fun about it, losses don't make someone laugh, on the contrary losses make people angry, sad and in many cases cry while most people when they are playing and when they win, they celebrate and play more happily, this can be easily observed if you go to a physical casino or somewhere that has games of chance and lots of people playing.
you don't need to ask the people who are playing which one of them is losing a lot, you just need to look at the faces of all the people who are playing and the face of the person who looks like someone who cried, who is angry, nervous and If you regret a lot, then this is the biggest loser of all who are playing, and you will see that the majority will be sad because they are losing. The few who win will be celebrating and playing with happy faces, they will be having fun. unfortunately in games of chance, few people win and have fun, most lose, get angry and then lie that they are having fun