You gavincoin people simply won't do the math. There is no realistic point where a decent fraction of the worlds population can use native Bitcoin and have it remain supportable by anything but the most well situated mega-players.
You people remind me of someone who would put a gallon of gas into their tank and drive off into the desert toward a location 1000 miles away. You just cannot get there. You'll die. 'free markets' are not going to magically conjure up gas stations as needed for you. Really, what passes for your thought processes here seem just that stupid, and then some.
As usual, you've got it completely ass-backwards. I'm the one who wants to make sure there's enough fuel to get where we're going. You're the one who thinks they're going to get somewhere with an arbitrary limit on the resources.
Well for the love of Christ, what fraction of earth's population doing how many transactions per day? What is so hard about that question?
As for the unconfirmed transactions, they'll time out. If it stresses some nodes, good for the owners to know it now. It would be the kind of shock which is good for Bitcoin to have now and then. If Bitcoin only functions based on it's ability to stay ahead of the demand, that's pretty week and lame.
You honestly think the network failing to confirm transactions is good for the future of Bitcoin? If several blocks in a row end up full and people are left waiting for their transactions to go through, you think that's going to help improve things? I don't care how much you think you've done the math to support your side of the debate, you haven't considered the consequences and repercussions of placing artificial limits on a system that will work just fine without them. You've considered about the consequences of removing them, stating it
might one day in the distant future lead to centralisation. But even if that happens, it's far more likely that full blocks will happen first. Can we please deal with the hurdles in the order that they appear?
You are really going to tell me that Bitcoin fails the moment some guy's transaction times out?
Time-outs are a good thing for a few reasons. One is you can finally try again. Two is because it educates ignorant people that Bitcoin is a batch system. Like it or not, that is what it is. Sorry if it either confuses you to tears or shatter's your myth that it's a good exchange solution for trinkets.
People receiving such an education from time to time isn't just a good thing, it's a great thing! All of the 'mutability' problems were simply due to ignorant people trying to take short-cuts around the system as it was designed. Wait for confirmations. It's a perfectly usable and vastly more robust solution if people do this one little thing. Again, if it cuts out the trinket-buyers, goodbye and good riddance. They are nothing but a giant hassle and most irritating to boot.
I don't get pissed very easily, but it really rubs me the wrong way that someone demands their piss-ant $2.00 transaction gets to live on forever on everyone's system who wants to support the solution in a meaningful way. The main reason is that I would't dream to make such a nonsense request. From day one I deliberately used off-chain solutions as much as I could for trivial things. I've spent to many years dealing with the electronic messes left by thoughtless people I suppose.