Some people have that view about BTC. Do you think BTC is a clever solution in search of a problem?
the monetary system as a whole is a problem (and capitalism too, but bitcoin doesn't solve capitalism).
It does solve some of the problems of our monetary system though, since it provides a more even playing field.
The problem is though that most people don't realize how bad the financial system actually is.
Even though we have had years of financial crisis's and unlike a few years ago it's now common for both partners to have a full-time job and STILL not have any savings at all. And stil people do not see the problems right in front of them.
Bitcoin will not solve inequality, but at least it will make the financial system a bit more fair. and the sooner the world realizes this, the better it is for everyone. (Especially for early adopters, but even late adopters will be better of then they were in the fiat system).
That's the one thing that seriously dumbfounds me... Everyone who knows me IRL pretty well knows I'm a big advocate to end central banks/fed reserve, and sometimes conversations about it will start, and when I try to explain it seems like a glossy stare just wipes over them and they don't fully comprehend anything I had said...
Even giving them real life instances where you can clearly see that there is a constant devaluation of their money over a period of time (college tuitions, cost of living, etc.), they just take it more as a fun fact to know rather than a slap in the face/"WTF" moment. It just seems that there is such a level of conformity and blind trust in a government that has proven time and time again to be faulty... and it's kind of depressing tbh.