Careful analysis and 89 years of experience leads me to believe that Bitcoin is about to go through the roof.
Though most will not understand the dynamics of what this chart shows, those that do will be blown away.
You heard it here first.
Well, since you brought the 2 month chart to our attention, I would like to point out a little history:
- In the month of December, very incrementally, the price gradually rose up from $2.80 to $4.00
- In the 1st week of January, on heavy volume, the price rallied from low $4s to $7.00
- The following 10 days, we repeatedly rallied from low/mid $6s to just under $7.20, on high volume
- We crashed on Jan 18
- After slight bounce up from Smack-Down, we've dwindled to low $6s on very little volume
Whether because of manipulation, Bitcoinica, or just sheer rally-driven exuberance, seems evident that
were now reeling from from a bubble. Some feel that we have more price correcting to do; I have to agree.
To think that now we are going to rally up to $12 in February, after what we've just gone through, I just
don't see it.