There are approximately 2160 Bitcoin addresses.
Due to the birthday problem effect we can only use 280 Bitcoin addresses.
To be safe this should be reduced to at least 270 addresses.
There are on the order of 233 people on the planet.
This means each person on the planet gets 270 - 33 = 237 addresses.
Put another way, the large bitcoin collider system here
is capable of generating over 255 keys per year so they will generate 270 Bitcoin addresses in about
270 - 55 = 215 = 33 thousand years
Now you do not need to guess at the number just to post your fucking paid signature.
I'm looking at the wikipedia page and the math they use, so is the equation for the pub addresses the same calculation, just modified to p(n)=1*(1-(n-1/2160))?
I rarely do this kind of math so I'm curious. I wish I got to learn more about it but I only ever do very supplementary math or just read/watch stuff online. Either way it still surprises me that the probability curve moves in the way it does.
I apologize if this is something that I should be going and learning somewhere else.