People are used to connecting China with BTC,but this is not a significant factor anymore.Chinese authorities are currently focused on the prevention of their citizens to use foreign exchanges for trading because they successfully stopped all exchanges in China.Nothing good should not be expected regarding BTC when it comes to China,the only question is whether they continue to allow mining.Although I understand that mining just make big profit for them and money is coming in county,the only thing that bother them is the money leaving the country.
I not see any connection between Chinese new year and any effects on BTC price,before or after.
There are many connections between BTC and China:
Direct connections:
- China is host for the largest ASICS manufacturer, Bitmain;
- China is host for the largest BTC mining farms;
- China has a huge population and within this plethora of citizens there are maybe millions of crypto users/investors;
Indirect connections:
- North Korea has been using crypto to avoid international sanctions;
- NK has been launching vast cyber attacks on South Korea crypto exchanges.
- NK is behind WannaCry and a number of other major security incidents.
The lists could go on, but I thing this is enough to prove my point: China is a major player in the crypto scene, regardless of the calendar events.