just drawing lines and triangles on the price chart are meaningless.. thats not bitcoin analysis. thats not even technical analysis.
thats just dumb "trend" analysis. which i refer anyone who does this as trend anals.. not TA's(technical analysts)
but just using price data and thinking the price is the price because only the price is not anywhere close to technical analysis
anyone can draw any lines on a chart and randomly change the first point of a line to be 1 month or 12 months ago which will result in a different angle, leading to different results. so it becomes meaningless to base numbers on just lines drawn randomly on a price chart
instead do some technical analysis.
think about the mining:market dynamic which has always been at play. for the last 9+ years
its the game theory of "how to get BTC at the cheapeast price.. mining it or buying it"
even hal finney mentioned it in his first post on this forum.
One reason price might follow difficulty is that mining should not be too profitable (because nothing should be too profitable, the world doesn't leave free money lying around). Therefore the price of Bitcoins can't rise too much above the cost of mining (counting equipment depreciation among the costs of course). The cost of mining is proportional to the difficulty (approximately). Therefore we might expect to see price proportional to difficulty.
We do see a nearly proportional relationship in the 1st graph, but that data set was incomplete. I'd like to see that last graph redone with a linear difficulty scale so we could see how the proportionality holds up with more data.
heres a tip
look at the hashrate
(hashrate in october 2013(asics birth) sparked a upward movement that sparked the 2013 price movement)
(hashrate in october 2018(asics next gen 28thash swaps) sparked a downward movement that sparked the november 2018 price movement downward)
yes after the spark (reaction) alot of FOMO over extended the movement direction too much, which is called speculation. so dont expect to use hashrate as a guarantee minute by minute predictor.. speculation (volatile price) is varied compared to the underlying VALUE support
in short
unless we see a large hashrate dump. dont expect a supported price dump. as it cost X to mine btc, meaning if prices got too cheap people will buy more coin and correct the price back up to the mining:market dynamic
for the last 9+ years the price has always had a healthy price at or above the mining:market dynamic