Are you sure about that, yeah it has a lot of hotels and casinos and a lot of lights but still the town itself is small and there are just 3 million tourists a month, and around 2 million population in the entire metro area, NY has itself 8 million and gets twice as many tourists?
That's the usual way a normal person would deal with it.
But seems like the prospect of bitcoin losing value because of this has turned a lot of users into a mob that brings out only stupid comparisons, just for the sake of doing so, culminating in some saying that bitcoin mining is good because it consumes excess energy! No shit sherlock!
And dare you to try to bring logic to this mob, you'll be lynched. The same stupid propaganda, the banks that serve 3 billion customers a day and make 1 million more transactions in the same time are burning more energy! Yeah, so? A Walmart hyper store burns more energy than a 7 eleven, does that mean anything?
Rather than focusing on trying to make all the coal green the focus should be on exactly the same utility that bitcoin provides.
Does somebody care how much energy is used by people playing games? Nobody gave a fuck and nobody cares what that energy comes from, it's an economic process, people pay for what they want. Does anyone think their favorite eco salad is planted with electric solar-powered tractors and is transported with the same type of vehicles to the chain stores? No, and again people don't give a damn!
Yes, bitcoin does consume a lot of energy compared to the number of transactions it can process currently, but at the same time, it can do something that no bank is able to do, allow you to be your own bank, and safe from people that would be able to take over it by just printing money, I see TangentC is here so I assume he is right on track with his PoS propaganda.