Maybe you are right, OP will have a bit more trouble using bitcoin than many others. But that can be overcome, my country has a proverb that "experience is the best teacher ". As long as he works hard, doesn't give up when facing difficulties, and does the same thing repeatedly, we will gradually get used to it.
To be honest, I was luckier than my brother to be able to finish high school, but my brother only finished middle school, and he is a forex trader. At first, he had difficulty reading documents and news in English, but now we have very good translation tools. It can be said that a degree is not a big deal when it comes to trading and investing.
A lot depends on the person, this can be seen even at school or university, when some study better than others, and there are almost always several people who master the program better than others. These are the people who, in my opinion, can become more successful in investing, or trading, because they can better read the market. And those who learn everything new with difficulty, it will take much longer, and they may not be as successful.