
Topic: Bitcoin and it effect to our local community - page 3. (Read 418 times)

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February 09, 2023, 12:00:49 PM
Do you think it will be of advantage or disadvantage to my community?

It really depends...
Some communities have started using solar power to mine bitcoin and now they get money off that.
Some communities use Bitcoin as a coin and they can make payments without the need for banks.
Some came to bitcointalk to read/learn/understand what's bitcoin about and maybe invested some money into it (or into its mining).
However, people can come to bitcointalk and get caught into hyip scams, compulsive gambling or even altcoins (the list of examples is actually much longer) and lose money.
So, as I said, it depends...
hero member
Activity: 3038
Merit: 617
February 09, 2023, 11:59:27 AM
I would love us to share this idea, I have it in mind to introduce Bitcointalk to the people around me, but I wish to ask, how do I go about it,

Do you think it will be of advantage or disadvantage to my community?

The forum is full of information so that should make someone informed just by reading conversations in the forum especially if he knows how to use the search box which for a newbie you need to also teach to them.

Everyone has certain traits though. There are some people, regardless of all the tuts you explain, they tend to find other places for resources of information. I told my sister to register in bitcointalk if she wanna learn something and ask anything in the forum, but all she did was go to youtube and reddit.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 661
- Jay -
February 09, 2023, 11:47:39 AM
Are people in your community interested in Bitcoin? Cause that is how bitcointalk would benefit them. If there is interest and they are looking for a reliable means of learning about it, then you can try various means of introducing them to it, word of mouth, fliers, online circular among local digital communities etc.

Such approach would not be very effective and I can guess that a lot of them would either not be interested or not last a few days here.

My honest two cents is that there is no need marketing the forum to others. The admin does not run any ad campaign on other social platforms to attract users. You can try getting those you know personally and feel they would like it here interested, but a much wider audience would not be as effective.

- Jay -
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 100 - Mars, here we come!
February 09, 2023, 11:00:38 AM
I would love us to share this idea, I have it in mind to introduce Bitcoin to the people around me, but I wish to ask, how do I go about it,

Do you think it will be of advantage or disadvantage to my community?
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