I wonder if someday porn and other illegal things
Sorry, in Your Jurisdiction adult sites are illegal?
There are many jurisdictions where pornography is illegal. You better know where your customers are from or you may find yourself extradited for a felony.
United Kingdom
Adult pornography that falls under the Government's classification of "extreme pornography" is illegal to possess as of January 26, 2009, carrying a three-year prison sentence.
The legal situation in Indonesia tightened sharply in 2008 with the passing of the Bill against Pornography and Pornoaction. Law books of Indonesia KUHP (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana) article number 282 says that "it is forbidden to spread pornographic content".
Hong Kong
Pursuant to the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap 390), it is an offence to publish an obscene article. Publication covers distribution, circulation, selling, hiring, giving, or lending the obscene article. Distribution by email would fall within the definition of distribution, as would the placing of an obscene article on a web site. It should also be noted that distribution does not require any element of financial gain to be present. The penalty for this offence is up to three years imprisonment and a fine of up to HK$1,000,000.
Gaza Strip
Hamas authorities of the Gaza Strip began blocking Internet porn sites in late May 2008.
Since January 14, 2017, several porn sites including Pornhub and XVideos has been blocked in the Philippines by President Rodrigo Duterte as part of the Republic Act 9775.
In early 2015, the Roskomnadzor has blocked over 100 porn sites, making it illegal to view in Russia. Two more websites PornHub and YouPorn were blocked in Russia in September 2016.
There are many more but you get the picture.