WOW, I never realized this but yes it's true as Bitcoin also is a finite asset and in limited supply as well. FIAT is never ending and inflationary in supply which only reduces purchasing power and technically has wiped out middle classes in many western countries, so now is the time to collect some Bitcoin and I would agree, that it can reduce debt as the fractional reserve banking system is the biggest ponzi on the planet and you all saw what happened to Greece in their bank RUN just a few years back. If everyone now went to the banks all at once and asked for THIER money, the banks don't have it. SO more you put aside in Bitcoin from your wages, it might save you from getting into debt later on when your FIAT money is worth less and less, but your daily expenses are getting higher and higher.
Exactly, it is not just the devaluation of our fiat currency that are putting us deeper into debt, it is also the fractional reserve banking practices that are pulling us down. Greece is the perfect example of this and I will never forget the sad pictures of long queues at Banks, when the country’s banks were closed and a daily cash withdrawal limit of some €60 were implemented at the ATMs.
Will we never learn? The next economic crisis is around the corner and Bank runs like this will be the norm.