because my gaming license is from costa rica my server has to be to I will make a FAQ ASAP, has for deposits pretty much any amount is fine it is mirco.
Also what do people want answer would be nice to get this started
If you look up having your server in the states or Canada you will see that you may not be able to get a license and they do jail time and fines. It doesn't mean that you can't have a .com or .ca just the server itself has to be were your licence is from
I use for a server
and a cheap license I used
and for my scrypt I used
min withdraw is 0.001btc
About the site, are you able to edit the script? I think you need to have some changes in the sign up form. If a user incorrectly typed some data like "The password doesn't match with the repeating field.", the page will reload and the user will input all the data again. Better if other info stays and only the box with the wrong data will be cleared.
Also your banner in the main post has a wrong spelling, Faucsts instead of Faucets