If you like you can put your coins to the exchange sites, some what deposit if there, you're already a Hero you should know. Unless of course this account was sold and you bought it.
Despite My rank I am just a normal human being which is impossible to know everything going on in this world
but that is the purpose of this forum, so we all can gain more knowledge about Bitcoin
with all due respect, I think it is wise to review your words before you post it, your sentence about I bought this account I found it provocative offending and insulting
i feel like my reputation become bad due to your false accusation
and for your answer about exchanger : exchanger doesnt provide any interest
Owned! We are all here to gain some knowledge. That is what the forum is for right? To share and review some things regarding bitcoin.
Thanks for the good question though. But I also am reading some replies and I see there are some but we still dont know if it is just a scam or whatever.