Not necessarily, but the system might actually loose money. I mean 1.5% interest is irrelevant compared to currency fluctuation. But even if you are lucky, your main profit would come from currency exchange trading, not from the interest.
You're being off topic here. No one is talking about currency exchange trading. OP wants to convert bitcoins to fiat and invest them in the bank. All in all its a failed plan.
He wants to exchange BTC into USD, which is a currency exchange (which is a trade!), then bring it to a bank to get some interest and then exchange USD to BTC back again (which is also a trade!). I am not off topic, currency exchange is a major part of the plan. I was simply pointing out that the interest rate of 1.5% that OP mentioned will very likely be irrelevant in comparison to the win/loss of those two currency exchange operations. That means his plan reduces basically to a speculation on currency fluctuation. Is that really that hard to understand?
with these move you have to pay at least 3 / 4 times some fees (for exchange deposit and withdraw).
plus add 1.5 % for the investors.... and you think is "easy" ?
He have to earn a strong % each month (3 / 4 times what he have to pay to investors) ....
I think it's a really hard battle or a clear scam attempt.
really people i dont know what to think with you all i wont scam anyone im pissed off being scamed, the idea behind this is: i get rates of 3.3% in my bank here and thinked to get also other investors and give to them 1.5% annual return rate. As i saw in different banks those in usa dont have 1.5% interest.
Hello everyone just been tired about all the ponzi sites around the net double your btc in 100 hrs and similar bla bla bla, i thought what everybody think of a Bitcoin Bank idea where all bitcoin invested will be converted in USD and deposited in real bank account and all who deposit will get their % profit back in base of term they choose 3, 6, 9 months or 1 year investment period. Im really determined to give life to this project if i get supporters here, and appreciate suggestions because im tired of all scams and lazy people who try to make some easy bucks from us.
What's the difference between converting our bitcoin yourself? Saves us the hassle and risk. And if the % payout is anything more than a bank interest rate, I'll have to call this a scam.
oh really the % is more then a bank ? how old are you ? 15 or 17 ? as for your info you have to know there are banks wich pays over 3.3% annual rate buddy
Hello everyone just been tired about all the ponzi sites around the net double your btc in 100 hrs and similar bla bla bla, i thought what everybody think of a Bitcoin Bank idea where all bitcoin invested will be converted in USD and deposited in real bank account and all who deposit will get their % profit back in base of term they choose 3, 6, 9 months or 1 year investment period. Im really determined to give life to this project if i get supporters here, and appreciate suggestions because im tired of all scams and lazy people who try to make some easy bucks from us.
Whats the use of bitcoins then? People might as well just invest in fiat. What if the price of bitcoins suddenly soars or plummets when you have them converted to fiat and invested in a bank ? dumbest idea yet... keep your bitcoins, thats the best investment.
the bitcoin invested with be converted in fiat and deposited in real bank
lets pretend someone deposit 1 BTC with today $417 price, in the contract they will get for example 3 month plan at 1.5% 1BTC + 0.015 interes earned, calculated of day of deposit.
So people got to use fiat to purchase bitcoins, invest in you and you reconvert them to fiat and invest it in a bank
. Seems legit, unless you figured that bitcoins grew on digital trees or something. Only way i can see this ending is in a scam. It's best you lock this thread as your plan wont work.
you cant be for sure if will work or not. people wont use fiat to purchase bitcoin but for example invest 0.1btc in 3 months period with 1.5% annual rate and after 3 months the interest paid back is 0.0000375 btc, if you got an idea of bank calculations !!!
Hello everyone just been tired about all the ponzi sites around the net double your btc in 100 hrs and similar bla bla bla, i thought what everybody think of a Bitcoin Bank idea where all bitcoin invested will be converted in USD and deposited in real bank account and all who deposit will get their % profit back in base of term they choose 3, 6, 9 months or 1 year investment period. Im really determined to give life to this project if i get supporters here, and appreciate suggestions because im tired of all scams and lazy people who try to make some easy bucks from us.
Whats the use of bitcoins then? People might as well just invest in fiat. What if the price of bitcoins suddenly soars or plummets when you have them converted to fiat and invested in a bank ? dumbest idea yet... keep your bitcoins, thats the best investment.
the bitcoin invested with be converted in fiat and deposited in real bank
lets pretend someone deposit 1 BTC with today $417 price, in the contract they will get for example 3 month plan at 1.5% 1BTC + 0.015 interes earned, calculated of day of deposit.
Lets pretend you actually did this idea.
This would be the worst idea implemented in the history of implementing ideas.
please articulate your though of this being the worst idea ?
Only way i can see this ending is in a scam. It's best you lock this thread as your plan wont work.
Not necessarily, but the system might actually loose money. I mean 1.5% interest is irrelevant compared to currency fluctuation. But even if you are lucky, your main profit would come from currency exchange trading, not from the interest.
my profit would be even from the % for example i will get more then 3% from the deposits and pay 1.5%. What do you think of this
Hello everyone just been tired about all the ponzi sites around the net double your btc in 100 hrs and similar bla bla bla, i thought what everybody think of a Bitcoin Bank idea where all bitcoin invested will be converted in USD and deposited in real bank account and all who deposit will get their % profit back in base of term they choose 3, 6, 9 months or 1 year investment period. Im really determined to give life to this project if i get supporters here, and appreciate suggestions because im tired of all scams and lazy people who try to make some easy bucks from us.
Yes the idea it's fantastic but :
- why you give some interest? where is your gain? why you need these funds? how you make money with this?
- you can't run a "classic" bank because btc use an "opposite" economic environment
- actually your site is a ponzi because you give money "from nothing = other users" unless you are going negative in a long period (you pay by yourself interest).
Then, without any type of economic sustain, no idea behind.... you can run only a ponzi
you in the very start of your post said is fantastic later a lot of questions and in the end i will run a ponzi. ok i will answer only to your questions whats my gain well ok my gain is i will get over 3% interest from the deposit and pay 1.5%, now what do you think where do you see the ponzi here ?
and we will trust you because???
im not looking for people to trust me, i have just this idea and im sharing to get other ideas. Thanks