The economy is a zero-sum game unless someone decides to dig up more gold no matter what the cost of production of gold is because it is gold. If it is possible to get it, you get it because you know how to.
By zero-some I meant the total output per capita. Money supply is irrelevant since in pre industrial economies the total amount of produced value depended merely on the population and the distribution of wealth was a zero-sum game. No matter how you play with the money supply, one carpenter can only make one chair per day.
The economic growth was low back in the day when gold was the king shit because it was real growth.
The wealth came with the FIAT monetary system is only available to the elites and it is mostly stolen wealth.
Well, I have deliberately chosen a chart that shows GDP adjusted to inflation, which is as real as it can get. A fact: an average person nowadays possesses roughly 7 times more real wealth than in 1930s, when the US abandoned the hard gold standard.
You can argue that the most part of this wealth is concentrated in the hands of the minority, but that is the problem equally relevant to any period in history. I bet you wouldn’t claim that an average peasant in feudal Europe was a hustla riding a fancy chariot with a glass of fine cognac in a hand. Material inequality in the commodity money era was even harsher than nowadays. At least we have a substantial middle class now, while back then you could be either a filthy rich aristocrat or a low-life commoner.
In fact, fiat has nothing to do with material inequality. With regard to modern monetary system, I believe it’s mostly the fractional reserve banking and the methods of expansionary policy that should be criticized. This is the point where I agree with you and this is what I will cover in later posts.
FIAT's huge fake growth induced the population growth and huge population cheapened the work force because there happened to be more people competing with each other.
Cheapened in comparison to what? During the age of industrial revolutions, an average worker would have been lucky to gain enough not to starve. You seem to sugar coat the good old days, like the grass was greener and stuff )
Now we don't really need that much cheap work because AI is a thing, they are desperately seeking ways to remove that excessive people. (covid19 might be the part of the big plan)
With the FIAT system, they stole our our wealth from us first, now we have no use to them, they want our lives too.
The current system also created some rich doctors and engineers with a couple of million dollars in their bank accounts but you get a lot more people that live in extreme poverty for every rich doctor/engineer there is. And the rest of the world is living paycheck to paycheck thinking it could have been worse.
Well, isn't that because the rich doctor has been studying hard through his entire life and is now capable of doing things that only a few can repeat, while those poor people have been seating on their asses doning nothing except procreating a bunch of kids whom they are now unable to feed? BTW, what you are talking about is actually a zero-sum economy that i meant. The thing is that with the current growth of real GDP per capita the economy is not nearly zero-sum and the doctor doesn't have to drag anyone into misery to become rich.
If we have had continued with the gold standard, we wouldn't have had iphones/smartphones or maybe they would have come a lot later than their debut but then we wouldn't have had these problems neither.
Instead, now we have super advanced tech but we also a have several billions people that need to be evaporated.
And where is bitcoin in all of that?
Can't be sure but i know it is already too late to reverse these things back.
Think about it they are forcing us to buy a $1000 iphone and a $40-50k car in every few years with their ads coming from every direction. (it is the best if you do it every year)
This system is sustainable as long as you don't save and give back everything you earned.
When you decide to save money, you have no use anymore. You need to be exterminated.
I think you need to relax a bit with these thoughts. There is too much conspiracy on your mind )