It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Bitcoin Clock
Bitcoin Clock
Block count: echo $blockcount; ?>
Blocks since last difficulty change: echo $blockcount%2016; ?>
Hour hand goes around once every 210,000 blocks
(Block reward drops by half every time hour hand reaches 12)
(This should occur approximately once every 4 years)
Minute hand goes around once every 2016 blocks
(Difficulty change occurs every time minute hand reaches 12)
(This should occur approximately once every 2 weeks)
Second hand goes around once every 144 blocks
(This should occur approximately once every 24 hours)
* CoolClock 2.1.4
* Copyright 2010, Simon Baird
* Released under the BSD License.
* Display an analog clock using canvas.
// Constructor for CoolClock objects
window.CoolClock = function(options) {
return this.init(options);
// Config contains some defaults, and clock skins
CoolClock.config = {
tickDelay: 10000,
longTickDelay: 15000,
defaultRadius: 85,
renderRadius: 100,
defaultSkin: "classic",
// Should be in skin probably...
// (TODO: allow skinning of digital display)
showSecs: true,
showAmPm: false,
skins: {
// There are more skins in moreskins.js
// Try making your own skin by copy/pasting one of these and tweaking it
classic/*was gIG*/: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 185, radius: 1, color: "#E5ECF9", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 89, endAt: 94, color: "#3366CC", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: 83, endAt: 94, color: "#3366CC", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 5, startAt: 0, endAt: 60, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: 0, endAt: 80, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 1, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "red", alpha: .85 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 3, startAt: 0, radius: 2, fillColor: "black", color: "black", alpha: 1 }
swissRail: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 2, radius:95, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 88, endAt: 92, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: 79, endAt: 92, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 8, startAt: -15, endAt: 50, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 7, startAt: -15, endAt: 75, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 1, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "red", alpha: 1 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 1, startAt: 70, radius: 4, fillColor: "red", color: "red", alpha: 1 }
chunkySwiss: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 4, radius:97, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: 89, endAt: 93, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 8, startAt: 80, endAt: 93, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 12, startAt: -15, endAt: 60, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 10, startAt: -15, endAt: 85, color: "black", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "red", alpha: 1 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 70, radius: 8, fillColor: "red", color: "red", alpha: 1 }
chunkySwissOnBlack: {
outerBorder: { lineWidth: 4, radius:97, color: "white", alpha: 1 },
smallIndicator: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: 89, endAt: 93, color: "white", alpha: 1 },
largeIndicator: { lineWidth: 8, startAt: 80, endAt: 93, color: "white", alpha: 1 },
hourHand: { lineWidth: 12, startAt: -15, endAt: 60, color: "white", alpha: 1 },
minuteHand: { lineWidth: 10, startAt: -15, endAt: 85, color: "white", alpha: 1 },
secondHand: { lineWidth: 4, startAt: -20, endAt: 85, color: "red", alpha: 1 },
secondDecoration: { lineWidth: 2, startAt: 70, radius: 8, fillColor: "red", color: "red", alpha: 1 }
// Test for IE so we can nurse excanvas in a couple of places
isIE: !!document.all,
// Will store (a reference to) each clock here, indexed by the id of the canvas element
clockTracker: {},
// For giving a unique id to coolclock canvases with no id
noIdCount: 0
// Define the CoolClock object's methods
CoolClock.prototype = {
// Initialise using the parameters parsed from the colon delimited class
init: function(options) {
// Parse and store the options
this.canvasId = options.canvasId;
this.skinId = options.skinId || CoolClock.config.defaultSkin;
this.displayRadius = options.displayRadius || CoolClock.config.defaultRadius;
this.showSecondHand = typeof options.showSecondHand == "boolean" ? options.showSecondHand : true;
this.gmtOffset = (options.gmtOffset != null && options.gmtOffset != '') ? parseFloat(options.gmtOffset) : null;
this.showDigital = typeof options.showDigital == "boolean" ? options.showDigital : false;
this.logClock = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClock : false;
this.logClockRev = typeof options.logClock == "boolean" ? options.logClockRev : false;
this.tickDelay = CoolClock.config[ this.showSecondHand ? "tickDelay" : "longTickDelay" ];
// Get the canvas element
this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvasId);
// Make the canvas the requested size. It's always square.
this.canvas.setAttribute("height",this.displayRadius*2); = this.displayRadius*2 + "px"; = this.displayRadius*2 + "px";
// Explain me please...?
this.renderRadius = CoolClock.config.renderRadius;
this.scale = this.displayRadius / this.renderRadius;
// Initialise canvas context
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
// Keep track of this object
CoolClock.config.clockTracker[this.canvasId] = this;
// Start the clock going
return this;
// Draw a circle at point x,y with params as defined in skin
fullCircleAt: function(x,y,skin) {;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
if (!CoolClock.config.isIE) {
if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
// excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
if (CoolClock.config.isIE) {
// excanvas doesn't close the circle so let's fill in the tiny gap
this.ctx.arc(x, y, skin.radius, -0.1, 0.1, false);
if (skin.fillColor) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = skin.fillColor
else {
// XXX why not stroke and fill
this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
// Draw some text centered vertically and horizontally
drawTextAt: function(theText,x,y) {;
this.ctx.font = '15px sans-serif';
var tSize = this.ctx.measureText(theText);
if (!tSize.height) tSize.height = 15; // no height in firefox.. :(
this.ctx.fillText(theText,x - tSize.width/2,y - tSize.height/2);
lpad2: function(num) {
return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num;
tickAngle: function(second) {
// Log algorithm by David Bradshaw
var tweak = 3; // If it's lower the one second mark looks wrong (?)
if (this.logClock) {
return second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second*tweak) / Math.log(60*tweak));
else if (this.logClockRev) {
// Flip the seconds then flip the angle (trickiness)
second = (60 - second) % 60;
return 1.0 - (second == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(second*tweak) / Math.log(60*tweak)));
else {
return second/60.0;
timeText: function(hour,min,sec) {
var c = CoolClock.config;
return '' +
(c.showAmPm ? ((hour%12)==0 ? 12 : (hour%12)) : hour) + ':' +
this.lpad2(min) +
(c.showSecs ? ':' + this.lpad2(sec) : '') +
(c.showAmPm ? (hour < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '')
// Draw a radial line by rotating then drawing a straight line
// Ha ha, I think I've accidentally used Taus, (see
radialLineAtAngle: function(angleFraction,skin) {;
this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI * (2.0 * angleFraction - 0.5));
this.ctx.globalAlpha = skin.alpha;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = skin.color;
this.ctx.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
if (CoolClock.config.isIE)
// excanvas doesn't scale line width so we will do it here
this.ctx.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth * this.scale;
if (skin.radius) {
else {
render: function(hour,min,sec) {
// Get the skin
var skin = CoolClock.config.skins[this.skinId];
if (!skin) skin = CoolClock.config.skins[CoolClock.config.defaultSkin];
// Clear
// Draw the outer edge of the clock
if (skin.outerBorder)
// Draw the tick marks. Every 5th one is a big one
for (var i=0;i<60;i++) {
(i%5) && skin.smallIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i),skin.smallIndicator);
!(i%5) && skin.largeIndicator && this.radialLineAtAngle(this.tickAngle(i),skin.largeIndicator);
// Write the time
if (this.showDigital) {
// Draw the hands
if (skin.hourHand)
this.radialLineAtAngle(echo $blockcount; ?>/210000,skin.hourHand);
if (skin.minuteHand)
this.radialLineAtAngle(echo $blockcount; ?>%2016/2016,skin.minuteHand);
if (this.showSecondHand && skin.secondHand)
this.radialLineAtAngle(echo $blockcount; ?>%144/144,skin.secondHand);
// Second hand decoration doesn't render right in IE so lets turn it off
if (!CoolClock.config.isIE && this.showSecondHand && skin.secondDecoration)
// Check the time and display the clock
refreshDisplay: function() {
var now = new Date();
if (this.gmtOffset != null) {
// Use GMT + gmtOffset
var offsetNow = new Date(now.valueOf() + (this.gmtOffset * 1000 * 60 * 60));
else {
// Use local time
// Set timeout to trigger a tick in the future
nextTick: function() {
// Check the canvas element hasn't been removed
stillHere: function() {
return document.getElementById(this.canvasId) != null;
// Main tick handler. Refresh the clock then setup the next tick
tick: function() {
if (this.stillHere()) {
// Find all canvas elements that have the CoolClock class and turns them into clocks
CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks = function() {
// (Let's not use a jQuery selector here so it's easier to use frameworks other than jQuery)
var canvases = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
for (var i=0;i// Pull out the fields from the class. Example "CoolClock:chunkySwissOnBlack:1000"
var fields = canvases[i].className.split(" ")[0].split(":");
if (fields[0] == "CoolClock") {
if (!canvases[i].id) {
// If there's no id on this canvas element then give it one
canvases[i].id = '_coolclock_auto_id_' + CoolClock.config.noIdCount++;
// Create a clock object for this element
new CoolClock({
canvasId: canvases[i].id,
skinId: fields[1],
displayRadius: fields[2],
showSecondHand: fields[3]!='noSeconds',
gmtOffset: fields[4],
showDigital: fields[5]=='showDigital',
logClock: fields[6]=='logClock',
logClockRev: fields[6]=='logClockRev'
// If you don't have jQuery then you need a body onload like this:
// If you do have jQuery and it's loaded already then we can do it right now
if (window.jQuery) jQuery(document).ready(CoolClock.findAndCreateClocks);