user-friendlyness is the way to go
many protocol level stuff and wallet level stuff have been subjugated for the tech elites. they create silly buzzwords that average joe never heard of and made to sound complicated and then made complicated to try to make it seem that you need to be a pro to use it
things need to be brought down to a ELI-5 (explain like im 5)
I just wanted to capture the ELI-5, which is entirely new to me and I like the idea it portrays but, I choose to let some as above statement go with it.
I understand that every field have got its terminologies and it’s easier to speak that way but for easy understanding but, you might be only speaking to very few individuals who follow through on these terminologies and living a whole lot in awe!
That’s what’s really become of the rest of this forum when met with technical discussions and as such, directly become unproductive as per the ideas they could give. No doubt there is room to learn and of course a lot of users do try but, being more accumulative with how these terms by not using another term to explain another and so on would aid users understanding and follow up on a discussion.
I think one of the major problem and some of the reason it has have a major shift from being used for an everyday currency is the issue of fees. If this is settled, people would be pushed to use Bitcoin remotely and come ease to usage comes ease to adoption. No one wants to have there transaction delayed, pay more on fees over a few dollar worth transaction or have a transaction cancelled after supposedly have closed a deal on trust.
even with congested high fee's, setting up a 1 or 2 time transaction of say a family trust could be cheaper using bitcoin than fiat, even with bitcoins congested fee rate.. however many normies still wont use bitcoin to store family wealth in bitcoin due to how elitism bitcoin is becoming with its terminologies which scares normies from even trying because they think its more complicated than fiat trusts..
EG people are told they need to run full nodes for full control, then learn what a full node is, then learn the command prompts and config file edits needed to set up a full node, then need to learn what a blockchain and a transaction and [insert needs] just to understand things before even just making a transaction.
theres silly words only bitcoiners know like instead of learning about accumulating wealth they gotta learn how to say HODL
we still need to normalise terms and explain things within wallets for normies to just use without them needing a lengthy learning experience..
its even getting silly where core even want to remove built in legacy tools from core, meaning people will then need multiple programs just to do a simple legacy transaction in the near future(facepalm). which wont be a simple copy/paste job but a 'migration tool' made to be complicated/cumbersome on purpose to attempt to make people not want to use legacy due to the added annoyance(facepalmx2)
even in this forum there are people that talk in topics for years that still dont understand basic concepts because they feel its too much of a hardship to do the research, and they instead decide to play dumb hoping someone would spoonfeed them answers like a baby which they can just repeat to sound smart even if they dont understand it, or cry that they are being misled because they are hearing different versions of advice
things just need to be kept simple and explained in normal terms rather than having a bunch of idiots using buzzwords to sound like experts but then misleading normies
for instance self controlled family trust operations, can be worded in normal speak rather than buzzword techno speak
EG multisig : groupfund/trustfund/family trust
scripts : terms and conditions
m of n : number of signers of group total