I'm also very optimistic about EOS. There's a lot of activity on it's github portal (
https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/commits/master) which is a great sign, and the development team has some real talent and obviously plenty of funding to try and pull this off.
I have no inside information, but I did see that same video you posted, and as a developer (not blockchain, yet) I don't see this claim that bitcoin could run on EOS as that much of a stretch. Of course, it's important to maintain a healthy dose of scepticism as with all things on the internet, especially the cryptosphere which has known to be targeted by malicious actors.
That said, EOS is being developed as a platform, using proven technology developed for Bitshares and Steemit. See
http://blocktivity.info/ for info on the volume, but over 3000 transactions per second (TXS) is currently possible, and over 100,000 TXS if scaling happens as expected.
The earlier claims that it wouldn't work with bitcoin, like the one from eminemcookie miss this point entirely.
It wouldn't be bitcoin is how it would work. It would be some coin that claims to be bitcoin but runs on a completely different blockchain. EOS and the people behind it should focus on spending the billion dollars or so that they for some reason need to develop their platform and actually deliver something before they start talking about bitcoin moving to EOS.
That's like saying the same internet wouldn't work on both windows and mac. It clearly does, because they are platforms on which the internet protocols run. What's so special about having the bitcoin blockchain existing in it's current form that makes it irreproducible on EOS? If, as Larimer claims, it is possible to migrate blockchains on to the platform instead of starting them from scratch, then I don't see why you would consider that a new token, and if it also gained all the benefits of EOS (transaction speed, free usage, etc.) then I don't see why it wouldn't be a good move.
I'm still learning all this stuff, so I don't claim to know, but flat out claims that it wouldn't work are premature and unfounded IMO.