3D Printers that we are looking to acquire is completely open source and can even print itself. It is called the RepRap Pursa i3, we are hoping you can help get us the funding we need. In return we will be paying all our employees with BTC and accepting BTC as the primary form of payment for our work. All backers will receive several 3D printed objects as well as be part of our grand opening discount.
Why is 3D printing important in remote areas such as Northern Ontario?
It saves costs by not having to transport and import supplies from other countries and everything we make can be exactly as you want it to be.
We are also looking to work with non profits to help lower income and those in need get materials and everyday tools at a much lower cost then local hardware stores can ever offer, this can all be accomplished with the power of 3D printing.
If anyone wants to check out us out. https://bitcoinstarter.com/projects/795
Thank you again. We are looking for feedback and any support. Including possibly hiring new partners in our worker owned cooperative.
good post, I highlighted a word I think should be edited
Question: how much would it cost in materials only, if someone has the machine and wants to produce only chess pieces of standard size?