Hope this isn't getting too offtopic.
Not particularly religious because I find it often corrupt, but I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater because of that. For me religion is humanities wisdom from thousands of years ago. Why throw it out? Analyse it, see if it makes sense and use it. Don't let current trend encourage you to throw it out like the missionaries did with all that other knowledge we had before. Look at the 12th Planet book. I'm not saying I go in for that theory but it was able to exist because our history wasn't completely erased.
So every religion's got something to say on money.
Here's a starting point on the major ones from a guy who lives without money (I'm not advocating this but I'm open to the idea after reading responses to my thoughts on why surely that can't work if everyone did it):
http://sites.google.com/site/livingwithoutmoney/Home/all-the-world-s-religions-agree-on-this-one-thingNo witch, Satanism, pagism and naturalistic style opinion there but Taoism is there. Some of this stuff is being backed up by science now. Got any references for me?
One thing common to a lot of the religions is usury. Now this is a thing I had no idea existed until I was like in my 20's! What happened there?? Until the catholic church came down everybody was being advised not to lend money and charge interest... what the heck happened? I find it a bit wierd that I was taught about this in school history, or theology and I notice I've never seen it in churches.
On every UK bank note it has "Promise to pay the bearer" well, that is exactly what it says in both Islam and Christianity as a sin. They specifically advise against fiat! And we have it written on every note in the place and we never notice... wtf? Even if you've never met anyone who goes to Church you'd think someone would notice right?
I think the problem with charging interest is that it's a compounded calculation - it snowballs. The human mind doesn't calculate that. It also doesn't calculate all the possibilities. Then also there's the addictive drug like effect. Hedge fund megastars will always have a lot to say about psychology... and often it's about using artificial means to enforce disipline... something people didn't have much of years ago.
A set fee for a set time seems fairer. Perhaps there should also be a schedule for what happens if you can't pay - what exactly you will and won't lose. Lose your home? Donate a kidney? - if it's written down at the start at least everybody's clear on it.
Are the Islamic banks actually doing this though or are the customers actually ignorant to what they're agreeing to?