256kbit down 64kbit up (32kbyte down 8kbyte up) = (19meg down per 10 minutes 4.8megUP per 10 minutes)
(usually throttled down, but yes its possible to download an 5mb MP3 in 5 minutes at those speeds)
average internet speeds of 2015:
5mbit down 750kbit up (625kbyte down 93kbyte up) = (375meg down per 10 minutes 55megUP per 10 minutes)
(usually throttled down, but yes its possible to watch 3gb netflix in an hour (500mb in 10 minutes at those speeds)
so we can see a 10x growth in less than 20 years..
and the dooms day of large blocks such as the 1tb block the OP is prophesying. but lets say that in we grw to 4mb in 4 years, 8mb in 4 years and so on and so on.
then the average speed in MANY decades WILL cope.
i really love the blockstreamers and altcoiners doing all they can to shout out that onchain bitcoin's cant cope and to instead use their offchain/altcoins
lesson one to fudsters:
dont try grabbing a doomsday prophacy of 20+years to denounce possibility of a smaller growth now.
coz thats like trying to say that child abortion should happen because obesity and cancer will kill most people in 50 years so there is no point in anyone growing up
lesson two
try to us logical and rational and HONEST information about CURRENT situation to denounce CURRENT debate about CURRENT proposals
Growth is always logarithmic, which means that after some time it will slow down.
Thats the natural growth function of everything. Moore's law is bullshit pseudoscience, if you look at any other growth function over longterm you will see it's log based.
So the internet may grow 20x in the next years, but it may only grow 2x. I already have 20 mb/s internet, optical fiber.
So there is not much room left, yes maybe the cable structure can be improved ,and the network servers to be more efficient, but it will eventually hit a limit.
And then we are fucked, if the network starts to dis-grow, which means grow in smaller and smaller increments, but the block size grows in larger and larger increments, then we are fucked.
Sorry but classic is not viable, and it will be a big danger in the future.