too quickly, the emergency safety breaker activates to stop the trading (in our
case it doesn't stop, but slows) When you feel the expense and time delay in
getting a transaction confirmed, that is the safety breaker attempting to bring
order from the current disorder. (The fee market that develops from this disorder
is only a byproduct designed to allow time sensitive txs to jump the queue.)
It would just work like a normal currency (or isn't it to be a normal currency?)
I didn't say anything you said above.
The stock market emergency breaker system was an example for you to better
understand the true purpose of the "1MB limit". It has nothing to do with cheap
or fast transactions, that is very wrong. That is like saying a certain size petrol
tank is a restriction to cheaper petrol at the pump. It is not how things actually
A "normal currency" is a government controlled device. So very simply, Bitcoin
is not and does not function like a "normal currency" since it is not controlled
nor subsidized by a government. Satoshi actually programmed the protocol to
contradict the current financial philosophy of currency.
and balanced manner. If the transactions could all be cheap and fast, then the system
will quickly grow to the point in which it becomes legally regulatable by governments
and thus valueless to users and society in general. The true value of Bitcoin/bitcoin
comes from it's non-conformance to the current legal and financial system.
Also, I don't understand why the system growing quickly would make it becomes legally regulatable by governments.
Risking a contentious hardfork for only a 2MB bump is a very bizarre action
and shows lack of concern for network security and the actual users. This
2MB bump, if successful in not causing any problems now or in the future,
will never help the users in any meaningful way. The ignorant users are
being lied to about the cheaper and faster transactions. It is actually so
pointless, that it is more likely being used by miners or other unknown
entities for the purpose of intentionally causing two surviving chains. In
some circles, two chains is more profit, and in other circles, two chains is
a type of cryptocurrency attack vector.
As for governmental regulation of the protocol: What is you understanding
as to why governments did not make Bitcoin illegal originally, and why to
this day, do they not assert their obligation to bring it into conformance of law?
The governments regulate directly all things (water, land, property, air, petrol,
food, medicine, technology, etc), except the Bitcoin Network (currently). What
is your opinion as to why they do not do so? Why have you been allowed to
participate in this unregulated system by your government?
you will need to give up decentralization and unregulatablilty of the protocol directly.
In my opinion, if that occurs, Bitcoin and its token, has no legitimate value except
as a ponzi. If you sold that new ponzi token to the poor in 2nd and 3rd world countries,
those ponzi pushers will become one of the worst of humanity and will go down in history
as immoral and unhonorable people. They might be super rich off the backs of the
scammed poor, but they will still be seen as the bane of society we attempted to correct.
There wouldn't be directly intervention, the system would work by itself as it's now, but with proportional power to the number of transactions/users.
The only way these ponzi pushers you say could become rich is if they hold lots of coins and keep holding to make the BTC price increase (controlling the supply, increasing the demand) and then sell when they think BTC has a good price. Anyway, the risk this happen exists now too.
In order to gain cheaper/faster transactions, something must be removed
from the network that causes an expense (like removing the truck or seat in
the automobile for a bigger petrol tank). The current expenses in the system
come from the decentralized aspects of the network and the government
unregulatability that comes from that designed and purposefully implemented
aspect. You can not add cheaper txs without equivalent subtraction from
somewhere else in the system.
You do not understand my "Ponzi pusher" example. What I am saying is that
IF Bitcoin becomes a ponzi due to the loss of decentralization in and of the
network and that network is allowed to continue, those ponzi pushers who
purposefully destroyed the system will go into the 2nd and 3rd worlds, and sell
those worthless bitcoin to uneducated poor. The poor will be told it provides
freedom, but will really only provide slavery and/or death.
There, fixed that title for you OP. You're welcome in advance.
I fully agree and should probably work on writing less paragraphs. Lol.
We are at near perfection for what it's original purpose was. There is no middle way at
this point in time. Over longer time periods, it will be able to reach a more middle path,
but currently there is no change that is a true middle path. Sacrifices must be made at
this point in time, if you want blocksize changes. Some sacrifices are acceptable and
others are not. Your viewpoint is of a sacrifice I can not accept as being appropriate or
safe at this time. Your desire for cheaper/faster transaction ignores what Bitcoin's actual
function is. Bitcoin was not created to serve your individually.